Patient Portal Talk and Presentation

Hello everyone,

On Saturday February 12, 2022 starting at 2pm EST, I will be doing a 20-30 minute walk through on how to upgrade, set up and general background on the new features in the upcoming patch and release of Patient Portal v6.0.4.

I am pretty excited with this release as it continues improvement on patient document templates management and markedly improved responsiveness/UX on small devices.

We’ll have time to do some Q&A after which time, I will pass over the call to @adunsulag (Stephen Nielson) for some follow up on FHIR.

For calling information: OpenEMR Twice Weekly Conference Call Details - OpenEMR Project Wiki

Some documentation on portal and a pre release patch for anyone wishing to test before the talk see:

I hope everyone interested in the portal will join and some benefit is derived.


Thanks for the awesome presentation @sjpadgett !

Can view the presentation here:


A post was split to a new topic: Installation assistance requested

Hello, Stanley here.

Is there a way to enable MFA on the patient portal?

I’ve been searching for solution, and I haven’t found anything yet .