Import NLM form Template

Hi community, i am using openemr v7, i try to upload the template form if i can have help on how to do it. Here are the screenshoots, the errorsays the filetype is not supported

Thank you

Jessica, is this your new questionnaire form, the one you’ve made on the NLM form builder, that you are trying to import from your file system into your openemr? if so there are instructions in Questionnaire/Assessment feature implementation instructions

turns out i’m busy again today - having problems with my own OpenEMR instance that i need to solve, but if i get any spare time i’ll take a look

@ruth i see now, i went to config tab to enable the portal dashboard

when i click on it gives me this error message

hi jessica. It’s not clear to me what you clicked that gave you the ‘not found’ error message ?

when i click on miscellaneous/portal dashboard i get the following window come up

this is our portal configuration page

Hi @Jessica
It’s hard to tell where you went wrong but I suspect you have missed a few steps.
Here’s an unfinished doc I’m close to completing, but I think the page I link below might have what you’re looking for.

Also, it may be Too Much Information and hard to get through, but the Dev who invented templates and the questionnaire form has posted a lot about them in the forum.
See these posts:

Here is the main forum post about the questionnaire form:

The other main post on Questionnaires:

Good luck!

  • HT

i need to open another ticket, i tried on the demo to upload the form i succeed, my problem now is the portal dasboard that gives an error when i click on it.