Hi everyone,
Based on numerous requests and ACE Health Solutions (Jit Chawla) preferred vendor annual contribution to the community, I will be introducing capability(v5.0.2 patch 5) to send LBF visit(encounter) type forms to the Portal Patient Documents to be completed by patients then returned for review via Dashboard. Feature will also be available in Patient Documents for reception/patient to complete on check in.
Eventually my hope is to allow the check in to pop out to a tablet in a wizard style for patients to complete during appointment check in i.e kiosk style.
This is also part of my ongoing effort to emulate features provided by our WordPress portal plugin that is currently not supported in Patient Portal.
The purpose of this post is for general information on workflow, capabilities and feedback.
Currently via Portal Dashboard, text/html templates using replacement directives are uploaded and assigned to a given patient or all patients. LBF will work in the same way by adding the {EncounterForm:LBFformname} directive to any normal template. e.g: PHQ-9.tpl
<span>This is a part of base template wrapping LBF form.</span>
<label style="font-size:14px">Witness Date: </label>{DatePicker}<label style="font-size:14px">Signed: </label>{AdminSignature}
the form selections and past status in portal:
the form ready for review:
And Dashboard review (cropped for brevity):
Some notes concerning building templates and directives/tags:
- Note that in review the following items are available but not in patient version:
– Assessment Score:
– Score Indicates a depressive state of:
– Administrator Signature:
This is due to a feature I added to Layouts editor for v5.0.2(4) namely, Exclude in Portal edit option:
This option is also used in the DEM layout to exclude patient seeing certain items in their Profile editor.
- Reviewer may edit LBF before charting and flattening the form e.g to add scores etc.
Here is charted/locked form to patient:
and in Patient Documents chart:
Next Steps:
- Ability to assign documents to encounters via popup of existing pending or follow up encounters.:
– From Review
– By provider in Encounters. - Add Demographics History Form for one to one charting from review.
The following are some new directives/tags i’ve made available in this version:
{FormEncounter} where I hope to include other encounter forms besides LBF in future.
{StandardDatePicker} This is the browsers date picker for input type=‘date’ (mm/dd/yyyy).
{DatePicker} our core date picker (yyyy-mm-dd). Depends on globals locale
{DateTimePicker} our core date and time picker (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss).
{TextBox:rrxccc} text area defined by row/columns ie {TextBox:05x120}
{varTextInput:length} define input text field length i.e {varTextInput:75rem} or {varTextInput:150px} etc.
You may add javaScript/JQuery to act on template loads. Soon to be directive for isolation e.g
<script>const templateVar='hideElement';$('#element').hide();</script>
Did some work in rendering/flattening templates by request @gutiersa also date examples.
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and I hope it will prove useful to the community so thank you Jit, for this donation. And because i’m so terrible about putting new features in and not telling anyone, here’s a shameless plug.
Reworked Dicom viewer:
You can now load studies from entire folders/directories:
And save and retrieve image edits
And also added Dicom Tags and Help:
Next version will have the PACS viewer and server. You may also select Dicom viewer as a stand alone in separate tab from menu Miscellaneous->Dicom Viewer and select study from file, directory or Url.
Also i’ve added taking manual credit cards from Front Payments. Currently Stripe or Authorizedotnet.
Thanks for any feedback.