If xampp, use your file explorer to open xampp folder, open htdocs folder, open openemr folder.
Inside the openemr folder you’ll see another folder called contrib. Within contrib there is a folder called snomed. Put the zip files there. I’m on windows and my folder path looks like this:
I loaded the premade OpenEMR appliance into the virtual box.
Yea I get that I need to look at the file system but I am not sure how, It is that I just to need to copy the SNOMED rf2 files from host computer into the virtual machine’s contrib folder.
getting into the file system of virtual machine is the biggest task here, I could not follow the instructions there. I feel its not so clear. could you please tell me how does it go?
You may find some of the videos on the youtube channel helpful.
Does your virtual machine have firefox, a web browser in it? You can use it to download the files inside the virtual machine. Then you just copy it from the downloads folder to the contrib folder.
Hi the video in youtube to instal through VirtualBox and ubuntu was a big time help and I could do it as you did, I found that to be openemr 5.0.3 devops, when i go to administration > coding > external dataloads > the SNOMED option is not popping down to extract the file to use! The SNOMED button remains dumb without any reaction. Can I use openemr 5.0.2 in the same installation procedure as in the youtube video? will go go smooth?
It was a biannual version of snomed, sept 2019. I pasted the zip file in the contrib folder but the thing is when I go to administration>external data loads the buttons there ICD9, ICD10, RXNORM, SNOMED, CQM_VALUESET are not working, if i click them nothing happens. It worked in the openemr version 5.0.2 but the buttons are not expanding in this.
Thank you so much for your time and letting me know. It would be a great help if you could tell me a solution for this.
I then followed another video and started to install opener 5.0.2 with apache server following this video tutorial: https://youtu.be/Vq1yyNaZZ8M
Everything got installed properly but in the external data loads > icd or snomed when i click install they rotate for hours and hours without installing. What could be the problem? I waited, knowing it takes time but it doesn’t get installed. Could there be any problems with php.ini… or any other problem? Here are the screenshots: