ePrescribing Solution Weno

@gutiersa, I will ask Weno’s tech support what is wrong. This is beyond the code. that is the response back from Weno. So, the script made it over to them. I will look to see if I can find your transmission.

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I pulled your transmissions and ran it through the message verifier. The results are that there are a few things not right with the message being sent. The first thing is the phone number format has to be just the digits. The rest of this is that the drug did not get attached to the message. That is why it is failing.

I will take a look at the code this weekend. I will let you know what I find out.

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Can you give me a guided tour of your install? I need to see your code to determine why the prescriptions section is not populating.


My installation is down. I am trying to set up in a windows server temporarily. I will try that and will let you know. Thanks.

Actually I was thinking, does the program generate a file prior to sending the information? Perhaps that is where the problem is, with file permissions. Because in my FreeBSD setup, the meds did get written to the database.


The system that you should be using does not generate a file. It is all a stream. It does not generate a file until it gets to the gateway server.

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Ok, I am using openemr in windows 10 with XAMPP and the same thing is happening. I am ready for the guided tour.

The entire weno system has changed. The new feature should be ready in a month or less.

Hi Sherwin-
Any word on the release date/ when weno will be back in service?
Thanks- Harley

it is awaiting the release of v6.

which just happened today… v cool.
Can people sign up for weno within the next few days, then?

Yes, they can sign up today. Be sure to select the EZ Integration option and select OpenEMR community

Alright, thanks for the word, I’ll pass it on.
Congratulations on all that effort finally coming to fruition!

  • HT

@juggernautsei Ignorant question perhaps: does one need to use or be patched up to OpenEMR 6 for the new weno to be available? Or would it work using 5.0.x with the installation instructions that exist on the wiki for the previous version?
Thanks- HT

Not an ignorant question at all. The information on the wiki is out of date. There should be no patch there. The code is built for 6.0.0. I don’t think I will release a retro patch because it did not go well the last time I did it. People mean well but don’t always know what they are doing.
I can give you a patch. But the code in it would be for v6. Your system would have to be patched up to 5.0.2(5) for it to work.

Hi Sherwin-
Thx v much for the info, I was asking for a customer’s benefit and I don’t know if we want the patch- will bookmark this thread for future reference.

  • HT

Question for Sherwin >> the previous eRx patch was available as a ZIP package.
Is the new eRx patch available the same way? If “yes”, could you point to it?
Or is it only available via Git / GitHub?

Hi @juggernautsei -
I’m playing with the OpenEMR 6(dev) and in Globals/ Connectors have weno service and also test mode enabled. I’ve watched the videos at https://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_ePrescribe#JSeRx and as far as I can tell, have all the provider and patient data entered.
Also have the full list of 800+ pharmacies imported.

I have the patient record open and go to Administration/ Other/ prescription management and the tab opens with ‘password is missing’
Couple of questions:

  • I gather that even in test mode I still need to get a Weno ID for the facility and for the provider?
  • And apparently a password for the globals?
  • How would I obtain those?
  • Are there docs that have all the steps in one place to set up the current free version of weno?
  • Harley

@htuck, those videos are out dated. They do not go with the new system. I will be taking those down this weekend and replacing them with new ones.

I have submitted some new changes that were brought in yesterday to better let you know what is missing. The password is the providers. Go to individual settings and enter the Weno account password of the provider.

Yes, even in test mode, you have to have a weno account. Test mode only tells Weno it is not a real prescription.

I will be adding the steps this week so that everyone has them before the patch release.

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Hi @juggernautsei - Ah, thanks for that info, it’s good to know. I’ll look for the new instructions next week.
As far as accounts go, does some mechanism prevent me from getting one account for our main OpenEMR demo then also use it on my personal demo? As long as the facility and provider information are the same?
Thanks- Harley

Cost is the only thing that I can think of that comes to mind. There are no restrictions on the number of accounts you can have with Weno Exchange as long as they are under a different email address. But you can use one account to manage multiple installs because each facility and each provider have unique ID’s. So you can have a hundred facilities and use one account. As long as the OpenEMR install is set to test. The prescription will never go through their system. I don’t see a need for multiple accounts. You can manage all of your users in one account.