Blank screen on first start of OpenEMR 5.0.2

The nice thing about the above install instruction set is that is can be done on a bare bones ubuntu install (in fact, having apache installed on the ubuntu will cause issues since they will fight for port 80; this can easily be adjusted by changing the port in the docker-compose.yml script though). No messing with dependencies. It just works and you get to even drink a cup of :tea: (or :coffee: ) :slight_smile:

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if https with openemr certs. you do not need port 80, only 443 am I correct?

hi @Mohammad , Yes, to clarify, can also use port 443 (ssl), which can also be changed if needed in the docker-compose.yml

Thank you Sandra. Thatā€™s kind of you.

Thank you Stephen. Super simple hmmm, thatā€™s temptingā€¦ Iā€™ll give it a go. I presume Iā€™d better purge my system of all openemr, mysql, mariadb, apache files and folders before startingā€¦? What about php?

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@stephenwaite @brady.miller

The docker procedure carried through smoothly, apparently successfully, but when I try to open localhost/openemr in my browser (Firefox), I persistently get: ā€œProblem loading page. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loadingā€. Same in Chrome: ā€œThis site canā€™t be reachedā€.

try just:

Thank you, that works.

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@stephenwaite @brady.miller My next question is: How do I restore my openemr 5.0.2 backup to this docker installation?

you donā€™t, but you can connect this installation to your database by entering the password information in ā€¦/sites/default/sqlconf.php

Backups and restores can be done with dockers like any other installation. The key difference is that need to do the steps within the openemr docker that you now have running. Just think of the docker as a virtual machine and then it makes more sense.

@gutiersa @brady.miller Sadly, I think it fair to say you both overestimate my understanding. I have a Docker installation. I have a backup, on a memory stick, made from a regular installation of 5.0.2 on another machine. I need that data accessible by my new Docker installation. What do I do? I am afraid I will need step by step instructions. My apologies.

hi @rdh61, no prob, weā€™re up for :person_climbing:

letā€™s bring in the db first

  1. extract the contents of emr_backup.tar on your :floppy_disk: to your Downloads folder
  2. go there in your terminal prompt; cd ~/Downloads
  3. gzip -d openemr.sql.gz
  4. docker ps weā€™re looking for the container id for the mariadb to use in the next step
  5. docker cp /home/$USER/Downloads/openemr.sql <mariadb container id>:.
  6. docker exec -it <mariadb container id> /bin/bash
  7. mysql -uroot -proot openemr < openemr.sql
  8. exit
  9. docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep _openemr | cut -f 1 -d " ") /bin/sh
  10. wget
  11. run the upgrade script even though not ā€œupgradingā€ :); go to localhost/sql_upgrade.php in your browser :fox_face:
  12. back to terminal and rm sql_upgrade.php
  13. exit
  14. go to localhost to login and see your data :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. I have come unstuck at point 5. What have I done wrong?

robert@roberts-work-laptop:~$ cd ~/Downloads
robert@roberts-work-laptop:~/Downloads$ gzip -d openemr.sql.gz
robert@roberts-work-laptop:~/Downloads$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
79f95d5fae4c        openemr/openemr:5.0.2   "./"       2 days ago          Up 39 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp   openemr_openemr_1
16d0ec71eb7a        mariadb:10.4            "docker-entrypoint.sā€¦"   2 days ago          Up 39 minutes       3306/tcp                                   openemr_mysql_1
robert@roberts-work-laptop:~/Downloads$ docker cp /home/robert/Downloads/openemr.sql <16d0ec71eb7a>:
bash: 16d0ec71eb7a: No such file or directory

hi @rdh61, no need for the less than greater than symbols around the container id and you need the period to specify that youā€™d like to keep the same name on the copy:

docker cp /home/robert/Downloads/openemr.sql 16d0ec71eb7a:.

Unfortunately, my understanding of docker containerization is minimal, :frowning:

OK, I got through the 11 steps, but what I see in my browser is:

ā€œFATAL ERROR: crypt() function is not working correctly in OpenEMRā€

But I have a doubt. When you wrote: ā€œrun the upgrade script even though not ā€œupgradingā€ :); go to localhost/sql_upgrade in your browserā€ (I found out you meant ā€œlocalhost/sql_upgrade.phpā€ :slightly_smiling_face:), did you actually mean ā€œrun the scriptā€ (which I did, as though upgrading from 5.0.1), or did you just mean ā€œgo to localhost/sql_upgrade.php in your browserā€?

nice catch, i edited, yes, had you run it just in case, itā€™s good practice

have seen that error before and weā€™ll have to reset your admin password
so back to the mariadb docker

  1. docker exec -it 16d0ec71eb7a /bin/bash
  2. mysql -uroot -proot openemr
  3. UPDATE users_secure SET password = '$2a$05$MKtnxYsfFPlb2mOW7Qzq2Oz61S26s5E80Yd60lKdX4Wy3PBdEufNu', salt = '$2a$05$MKtnxYsfFPlb2mOW7Qzq2b$' WHERE username = 'admin';
  4. login with admin and pass at localhost

Thank you very much, all good now. If I should find anything not working as I expect, should I post on this thread or start a new one?

itā€™s fine here

did you have any documents to bring over from your previous install?