Blank screen on first start of OpenEMR 5.0.2

@gutiersa I have never used the 5.0.2_2 so i have no idea about that
@rdh61 using the backup should not be a problem till they have follow same charset. Let me know if you face any error though.

Who would know what the difference is between the master branch and the releases is? Do you know who I can ask?

So I purged my system of MySQL and openemr, installed MariaDB and started over following meticulously these instructions: including the recommended configuration of php.ini.

I get to this:

Configuring the Install through the WEB GUI

1. Open up web-browser and point it to the installation script at http://localhost/openemr

And what happens is this:

OpenEMR Setup

ERROR : PHP MySQL extension missing. To continue, install and enable MySQL extension, then restart web server.

But my php-mysql file is installed and is the latest version. Where do I go from here?

hi @rdh61, did you setup the dependencies?

@gutiersa, the master branch is the tip of development and is not production ready

@stephenwaite Hello. Yes, except:

Note, selecting ‘php7.4-xml’ instead of ‘php-xsl’
E: Unable to locate package php-gettext

you need to install package php7.4-gettext
You may disregard: “Note, selecting ‘php7.4-xml’ instead of ‘php-xsl’”
However it does look like you have two concurrent versions of php in your system.

I do understand that. I was wondering more specific differences.
For example, has it been changed to work with mysql8? If not, then the 5.0.2 version would technically be able to work with mysq8 as well yes?

thanks @rdh61, can you create a test script to see your php info?
here’s a guide

@gutiersa, would find a mysql 8 thread :slight_smile:

robert@roberts-work-laptop:~$ sudo apt install php7.4-gettext
[sudo] password for robert:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Note, selecting ‘php7.4-common’ instead of ‘php7.4-gettext’
php7.4-common is already the newest version (7.4.3-4ubuntu1).
0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.

I created the script as per the instructions but it does not work. I get:

This site can’t be reached

test_domain ’s server IP address could not be found.

Thanks for all your help but I think to be honest at this point I’ll leave it. Life is too short. I’ll go back to keeping my notes on LibreOffice writer until a .deb version of 5.0.2 is available.

i won’t accept that for an answer :slight_smile: don’t give up (don’t know if you’re a basketball fan)

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I agree, don’t give up, in this case, your domain at the web browser’s address bar is localhost.

how about http://localhost/info.php

@Robert Hale
Please Robert before you give up on this amazing EHR try this first:
Look up this video and follow it to the letter:

The only deviation I did since I had it installed on ubuntu 19 desktop is the “adding user” since ubuntu 19 uses php 7.3 and not 7.2
you can copy and paste the commands from his website that discusses the same installation:

again I am not sure with php 7.4 how adding user changes, it could be the same command line Sandra mentioned in her comment in this thread, if you try ubuntu 18 so you follow his instructions without any changes made then it will be great (if ubuntu 18 is ok with you -desktop ubuntu-)
Please pay attention when your installation is completed to step 6
Before you click to proceed to step 7 you need to do this:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/openemr.conf
then you copy this to the .conf:
<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr”>
AllowOverride FileInfo
Require all granted

<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr/sites”>
AllowOverride None

<Directory “/var/www/html/openemr/sites/*/documents”>
Require all denied

then exit and save.
After that you click to proceed to step 7 and you will be up and running.
Please give it a try and I am sure it will work.

Ubuntu 18 … Same exact instructions.

Ubuntu 19 :
sudo nano /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini ……replace it with 7.3 instead of 7.2
and for adding user:
CREATE USER ‘openemruser’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘PASSWORD’;

I did not try ubuntu 20 though……

This does indeed produce something: a page of information entitled “PHP Version 7.4.3”.

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Thank you Mohammad, looks interesting.

Thank you. It’s a question of priorities. While this is of moderately high urgency, it is only of middling importance at this moment. Not a basketball fan but I do have a few intensely absorbing interests, apart from work that is, which I will be much happier devoting time to than the spirit-sucking struggle with a recalcitrant computer. Ultimately here and now, I’d rather be happy than victorious. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, that gives you a lot of information regarding your installation. It tells you what you have and not.
If you decide you want to give it another try I’ll be here. But I would use mysql 5.7. Which is what I have experience with. I could not get mine to work with Mysql 8

here’s a super simple setup of openemr 5.0.2(2) on ubuntu 20 server, thanks to @ncavalier for initially documenting and @brady.miller’s guidance

from a terminal prompt

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt install
  3. sudo systemctl enable --now docker
  4. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  5. newgrp docker
  6. sudo apt install docker-compose
  7. mkdir openemr
  8. cd openemr
  9. wget
  10. mv openemr-502-docker-example-docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml
  11. docker-compose up -d
  12. make a cup of :tea:
  13. if using ubuntu 20 desktop login in at localhost in your browser with admin pass (if using server go to client with browser and enter ip of server)
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