Write-In Ballot For Executive Director

fsgl wrote on Thursday, April 14, 2016:

During the OEMR meeting yesterday, the nomination of Brady for the office of Executive Director was brought forth by the Personel Committee.

Because the election requires the full participation of the Board & because it is difficult for all Board members to gather at a single meeting, the consensus was to use the provision of Article VI, Section 10 to conduct a write-in ballot for the election.

Gentlemen of the Board of Directors, please cast your votes here.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, April 14, 2016:

Relevant sections of the Bylaws are attached.

cmswest wrote on Thursday, April 14, 2016:

thanks fsgl, please note the formal action to be signed by each director:

I, the undersigned, cast my vote for Brady Miller to serve as Executive Director.

cmswest wrote on Thursday, April 14, 2016:

Aye for Brady,

Stephen Waite

robertovasquez wrote on Thursday, April 14, 2016:

Yes for Brady,

Roberto Vasquez

visolve1995 wrote on Friday, April 15, 2016:

I, Sena Palanisami, the undersigned, cast my vote for Brady Miller to serve as Executive Director.

Sena Palanisami

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 15, 2016:

I, Brady Miller, the undersigned, cast my vote for Brady Miller to serve as Executive Director.

Brady Miller

blueehs wrote on Friday, April 15, 2016:

I, Shameem C Hameed, the undersigned, cast my vote for Brady Miller to serve as Executive Director.

Shameem C Hameed

robertdown wrote on Saturday, April 16, 2016:

I, Robert Down, the undersigned, cast my vote for Brady Miller to serve as Executive Director.

Robert Down

tmccormi wrote on Sunday, April 17, 2016:

I, Tony McCormmick, Chairman and President of the OEMR, hereby vote NO to to the proposal for election of an Executive Director

Please understand that this is NOT a vote against Brady. Brady would make a fine Exec Dir, IF we were in the market to HIRE one and IF Brady did not already have a full time job.

I helped write the ByLaws, and the Executive Director position is NOT intended for election of a volunteer contributor. It was specifically intended to be used in the event that the OEMR had raised a significant and consitent amount of funding, such as a large corporate sponsor (like Oracle is for OpenOffice and MySQL). Then we would need to have a a FULL TIME employee to manage the day-to-day business. We do NOT have day-to-day business at this time and I firmly believe that the current (excellent) board members can handle the business we do have.

I has requested that this vote be held until I could attend the board meeting and explain my position, but that did not happen.


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, April 17, 2016:

Hi Tony,

Thank you for posting your vote and thoughts.

Using your above line of logic, can you further explain the following 2 discrepancies:

  1. Sam Bowen was voted in as an Executive Director in 2/10/2011 unanimously(and you were present). Sam also had a full time job at the time. And this vote was carried out by original OEMR members (including yourself) using the original intentions of the bylaws. Here is link to the minutes:

  2. Your offer to take over the Executive Director job recently:


tmccormi wrote on Sunday, April 17, 2016:

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Brady Miller bradymiller@users.sf.net

Sam Bowen was voted in as an Executive Director in 2/10/2011
unanimously(and you were present). Sam also had a full time job at the
time. And this vote was carried out by original OEMR members (including
yourself) using the original intentions of the bylaws. Here is link to the


That was a mistake, it should not have happend

Your offer to take over the Executive Director job recently:

OpenEMR / Discussion / OEMR Non Profit Organization: Finance committee

That was a joke, frankly probably in bad taste and I apologize

Tony McCormick, CTO

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tmccormi wrote on Sunday, April 17, 2016:

Additional note: Sam did not do anything as executive director for exactly the reasons stated above. The Board at the time did a number of things, none of which were lasting, except what I did for MU1.

I have been holding the fort for a long time now and I am THRILLED to have a full board to help me.

We really do not need anything else at this time.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, April 17, 2016:

Hi Tony,

Thankfully, individual board members don’t get to decide and/or dictate what the organization needs. The Personnel Committee has already considered the needs of the organization and placed a nomination for an Executive Director. And it is now up for the Board to decide what it needs.

According to the bylaws, the Executive Director has the following fiscal responsibilities:

  1. Custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the organization.
  2. Receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the corporation from any source, and deposit all monies in the corporation’s name in banks, trust companies, or other depositories that the Board selects.
  3. Submit the books and records to a Certified Public Accountant or other accountant for annual audit or review.
  4. In general, guard the safety of the organization’s funds and avoid any misappropriation of the organization’s funds, as well as perform other financial duties, as directed by the Board.

These seem like important responsibilities that should be filled by a warm body…


tmccormi wrote on Monday, April 18, 2016:

Not dictated, just my vote and opinion
On Apr 18, 2016 12:58 AM, “Brady Miller” bradymiller@users.sf.net wrote:

Hi Tony,

Thankfully, individual board members don’t get to decide and/or dictate
what the organization needs. The Personnel Committee has already considered
the needs of the organization and placed a nomination for an Executive
Director. And it is now up for the Board to decide what is needs.

According the the bylaws, the Executive Director has the following fiscal

  1. Custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the
  2. Receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the corporation
    from any source, and deposit all monies in the corporation’s name in banks,
    trust companies, or other depositories that the Board selects.
  3. Submit the books and records to a Certified Public Accountant or other
    accountant for annual audit or review.
  4. In general, guard the safety of the organization’s funds and avoid any
    misappropriation of the organization’s funds, as well as perform other
    financial duties, as directed by the Board.

These seem like important responsibilities that should be filled by a warm


Write-In Ballot For Executive Director

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bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 18, 2016:

Hi Tony,

Yes, thankfully that is the case, and thank you for taking the time to place a vote.

The issue was not with your vote, which you are free to do without interference. The issue was with the discrepancies/inconsistencies in the reasoning of your vote, which I have already pointed out.


tmccormi wrote on Monday, April 18, 2016:

You always have to have the last word… getting a bit tired of that, but whatever

fritomd wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2016:

I would like to say that I am very grateful for all the hard work and dedication that both Mr. Miller and McCormick have provided to the OEMR project. My observation is that the Federal Regulations on CEHRT requirements is capricious and ill-conceived. I can only imagine the level of frustration all the developers must experience. I am afraid that the OEMR project may be abandoned because of the frustration. A project as big as a CERHT EHR would normally take investment capital and a team of dedicated full-time developers to come to fruition. That OEMR exists is almost miraculous to me.

Now to my point, has anyone considered applying for a grant (http://www.hhs.gov/grants/grants/)? The OEMR project is deserving of federal funding. I think that would be a good issue for the ED to take on. I would be happy to help in anyway that I can (214-396-5227)

Thanks to everyone involved in the project.

Frank Saporito MD
Dallas, TX

yehster wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2016:

The grants available through the federal government are awarded to fill specific requirements. I subscribe to the postings for the Health Care related grants, and haven’t seen one yet that would be generic enough that could apply to MU2 funding.

I may have missed potential grants that would be worth pursuing, so anyone should feel free to take a look, but honestly it seems like a pretty long shot to get funding for OEMR in this manner for a variety of reasons.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2016:

Just a comment from the sidelines. I really like the idea of non-vendors such as Brady being in decision-making roles. This will also give funding organizations a reason to think that their money will be well spent. I’m feeling optimistic with the current direction.

Carry on. :slight_smile:
