View of data on iOS or iPadOS is too small for the actual window space available

The view of the OpenEMR Data is too small on iPadOS (13.1.1) and iOS (13.1.1). See screenshots for iPad and iPhone, respectively. This problem occurs with all common browsers used on iPad and iOS - Safari, Chrome, Firefox.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version

I’m using: Safari, Chrome, Firefox - all the latest versions for iOS (13.1.1) or iPadOS (13.1.1).

Operating System
I’m using: MacOS 13.1.1

Logs - I did not check them yet, but I can upon request.


It looks like macOS Safari Version 13.0.1 (14608. has the same problem (at least right now).

Out of curiosity, what happens if you go into the page settings and select the desktop version of the site?

It doesn’t matter. Same problem not matter what site is selected.

I’m getting several complaints about this as well. Is there some quick CSS fix we could implement?

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What version of OpenEMR are you using for this?

The version of OpenEMR that I am using is v5.0.2 (hosted on Amazon AWS).

Go to Settings->Safari->Zoom set it to no more than 75%

Hope this works for you.

I changed Safari zoom settings to 75% . Did not work.

Please try applying the latest patch (currently patch 3) to your 5.0.2 installation. If it doesn’t work, try using a different browser or changing your zoom settings as a temporary fix. Otherwise wait for 5.0.3 because once 5.0.3 comes out this will be a non-issue.

What does it mean that once 5.0.3 comes out this will be a non-issue? Is iOS going to be supported again? We are concerned with the trend. We have been losing iPad compatibility since after 5.0.0(7). With 5.0.2(1) we lost Tabs mode altogether. With 5.0.2(3) we can’t make appointments in the calendar in Frames (iPad and PCs as well) so Openemr is not functional on the iPad. We need to stay with 5.0.2(1) for the sake of our iPad users. We are a mobile clinic, going to homes and daycares seeing kids, or we were pre-COVID (all tele-therepy at present). You can’t whip out a laptop to start/end your session in the flow board or do your SOAPs with little kids around. We need the iPad. With the bugs present in billing in patch 1 though we are wondering what to do going forward. I also read somewhere last night that Frames are going away completely in 5.0.4. Makes sense overall, but again what’s the plan for iOS compatibility? Anybody know?

In the 5.0.3 dev currently being worked on there was a major Bootstrap framework upgrade that fixed a ton of responsive issues that allows devices of practically any size (including iOS) to run OpenEMR. We are also converting tons of old code to be more responsive for people when they view it on displays, something that hasn’t been done in awhile. If you would like to check on our progress, here’s a link to a demo installation of OpenEMR. Username is admin and password is pass.

Hi all. After responding to a previous post I know I am posting the same thing, but I found a setting that works with the iPad for 502. This works for both full and compact.

The result is a full view of the calendar and the menu

Let me know if you run into any other issues.

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These settings don’t work for me. Same problem as before. Tiny frame restricting the view of the information.

If you use the exact settings as mentioned above, most importantly this setting:


it should work as expected.

If you upgraded to 502 from 501, there might be issues with saving Demographics. Make sure your settings are being saved after you make them.

I verified that this change took.
See my screenshots of settings, below.


Did you log in then log back out? Also, which browser are you using?

Yes. I logged out (even restarted the browser). I tried using the latest Safari and Chrome browsers on the latest operating system (Big Sur) on two different devices … an iPad Pro (9.7-inch) running iPadOS 14.2 and an iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 14.2. I have never seen the browser make a difference with this issue.

Is it possible that the user settings are conflicting with the Admin-> Globals? When I say ‘user settings’ I don’t mean going to Administration → Globals, I am referring to clicking on the upper right hand corner where the user settings are. The screen will look like this:

If by chance there are different settings for the user, the individual settings might be overriding the Administration-> Globals settings.

Good question, but … no, it does not appear to be the issue.