V6 Documentation wish list

The video I did years ago is not accurate any longer.
@sjpadgett has taken nations note and spread it all over the system to any text box in any form.
you can watch the nations note video I did to help build context. However, nations note no longer has to be installed. Just open the current soap note and double-click in the text area. You will see a popup that is the nation’s note feature. You can then create a context and assign stored phrases for that text area so you can build notes.

I hope this helps.

Yes, I am already using it. It is quite good and opens automatically upon clicking on any text area. I am still getting the hang of adding the categories and other parts of it.

@gutiersa hopefully one day you can do an updated video on how to use it = )

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I would love to do so, however, I don’t know how to make videos. Other wise I would be looking to update youtube, not the docs

I am still not finding information on how to set up SMS. Is it possible someone could kindly post an image of how their notifications page in globals is configured? Honestly, the documentation is outdated.
I can update it, but I need to be able to set up my system, or see someone else’s example.

Also, do I need a separate twilio interface?

Twilio is giving me and account SID and auth token. How are these fields related to the fields in openemr notifications configuration page?


I thought you were on this thread?

The image you posted, I just seen it. Reposting it here. This goes with BatchComm Tools.
You can use any SMS provider. It does not have to be Twillio.

Hi Dr G-
Since you run Linux you may find SimpleScreenRecorder useful. It is indeed simple; I use it all the time for video projects. It’s v flexible in output file format (it does flv), can record audio such as narration of the process being demonstrated in the video.
Good luck!

  • HT

[Edit: Just recalled you use FreeBSD but it appears it’s available for that OS?
Also, here’s a search that may be useful:

  • HT]

Funnily enough one of the few videos on the openEMR YouTube channel is about how to record videos for the YouTube channel.

I’ve recorded and edited a few myself and would be happy to help get you started recording for the YouTube if you like.

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Yes, I would appreciate that actually.
What about snagit, should I invest in that or would SimpleScreenRecorder is enough?

I ought to clarify, my server is unix, but i mostly work on a windows 10 laptop

I’ve never used simple screen recorder but it’s probably fine. What I’ve done in the past is to record a video one clip at a time, so I don’t have to do it all in one take.

So having the ability to pause and restart recording quickly and easily is definitely a plus.

I use windows movie maker to string all the clips together into one version. It’s not super elegant but gets the job done.

I use audacity to fix up the audio a bit but it’s not strictly necessary. A good quality microphone with a pop filter can be a useful asset. I use a Yeti USB mic.

Unless you need to record something super specific I just use the online hosted demos to record from my web browser instead of my own install.

Hope this helps,

Yes, the video above mentioned the same microphone. I will be ordering one.

Hmm, I am not sure I understand this part.


If you just need access to the user interface then you can use one of the online demos that are built/refreshed everyday.

The latest I’m seeing is version 6, I’m not sure if it has the new two patches.


duh, of course, I wasn’t thinking. Great idea.

Thanks again

If you wanted to take on the recording, maybe I could try doing some post-processing editing. I’ve been meaning to learn to DaVinci resolve. There’s a Google drive folder Robert and I were using to collaborate on instructional videos. I’ll see if I can find the link and invite you.

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I use Kazaam on Linux to do my screen recording.

Hi Harley,

Thanks for clear, well written documentation!!

I just went to the demo to see how your docs corresponded to the portal, and discovered the portal demo default is set to only support existing users. (No new registrations.)

I signed in to the ‘b’ demo as an admin, went to Globals-portal
and changed “Patient Portal Site Address” to https://demo.openemr.io/b/openemr/portal
and checked the box allowing self registration (see below)
And now the ‘Register’ button appears, and the process works!!! (until it resets)

the documentation is clear and useful.
I think you should add a link in the documentation to your comment about customizing the Portal form. Better, insert a comment about that technique to change the patient registration form.

The patient registration form itself IMO needs some changes, both for UI and what/how information is gathered.

I’ll open a new thread about my thoughts on changes to the registration form, & refer back to this thread.
Bottom line- goood work!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Clear documentation makes it easier to find problems in the underlying process!!

OOPs!! there’s no outgoing email server attached to the demo, so when I tried to save the user account, I got an error, and now when I try to log in with that email, instead of getting the usual ‘enter email reset password’ routine, I’m unhelpfully told to contact the provider.

For the low volumes needed for the demos, is the any reason not to use a free email like OpenEMRbbb@Gmail.com?
I can sign up for it, but someone with power over the demos would need to connect it.

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Hi @VWfeature-
Thanks for the feedback, it’s good to hear.
That page was based on a doc I did for a customer for them to give to their patients so they could self register. Consequently I stuck to the registration process and didn’t get into any of the other aspects of the portal such as portal customization.
As it happens I’m currently working on a V6+ portal overview which brings together all the capabilities of the portal, including customization etc.

As far as the outgoing email is concerned, I’d think one could follow the instructions elsewhere on activating email notifications in globals, then this thread talks about how to use gmail’s smtp server.

Good luck!

  • HT

I think that was a bug that was fixed in the first or second patch for version 6. I think the demo might be running 6.0.0.

Useful, clear writing is a precious thing!!
Good documentation is like diamonds.

Hard. Clear.
Thanks for posting the link to your previous post on how to use gmail for testing.

If I had wiki editing permissions, I would add your comments about adding email and mine re enabling the patient portal to the demo Wiki pages.

Another thought on the WIKI- having the ‘Last Edited DATE’ or VERSION in the title would save us reading through obsolete documentation for ‘how to do it’ from 2011. There’s a long article on a WordPress patient portal that’s no longer working.

For Wiki experts-Is it possible to put that info in the title afterwards with some automated process??

Having instructions on the demo links page how to make the demos fully functional (enable portal, add email,etc.) would give people a better idea of how OpenEMR works.

If I add an email account to the demo account, should I change the demo admin password so the email pwd is secure (but no one else can do admin play on that demo)?
A note on the DEMO page about ‘how to play nicely’ w demos and ‘what it means if passwords don’t work’ could be useful.

Most of the documentation is in these forums, not the wiki.
@ Rachel Ellison
FWIW, the demos are running
Version Number: v6.0.0 (1) But I believe the issues w not allowing patient registration thru the portal are related to not having the portal enabled in the demo, and not having email sending configured.