After entering all information and try to generate invoice, we just got empty screen with unknown tab
We have this problem with all existing patients, but not with new patients. With new patients whose demographics was entered in new v6.0.0 (3), this function working fine.
Also we experiencing long time a problem with posting secondary claims payments and after upgrade to v6.0.0 (3) and PHP - 8.0.14 nothing was changed. Same problem.
I did new installation on the new computer connected to the network. When I’m opening 5.0.2(5) there is no problem with Payment receipts, but in v6.0.0 (3) getting blank page.
My friend also just upgraded to 6.0.0(3) and have the same problems with calendar and payments. We resolved the first problem with the calendar with recommendation from @cornutaurus
But problem with secondary claims posting and payments still exist. Upgrade to v6.0.0 (3) and PHP - 8.0.14 didn’t changed anything. Same problem.
Is there is any settings in php, maybe there is any way to upgrade patients files size.
The posting problem only with the patients who have more then 10 encounters. Before we had a problems with patients with more then 30 encounters, now it changed to 10-12. We trying to resolve this problem since we used v5.0.1., and then v5.0.2.(5).
Did all changes max_input_vars = 6000 memory limit to 512M
Restarted Apache, and restarted computer
Same, no any changes, getting blank page in payment and in posting.
There must be errors in the php error logs or a JS error in console. Now we’re just guessing.
Turn on User Debug in Globals and see if any errors pop up or check the log…
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int + string in /var/www/openemr/interface/patient_file/front_payment.php:198 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/openemr/interface/patient_file/front_payment.php on line 198
I did installation on new computer.
First did installation of v5.0.2, restored my data, installed patch - v5.0.2(5)
Then upgraded php7.2 to php8.0, and upgraded to 6.0.0(3)
Everything looks fine except payments. Problem with posting secondary claims started before upgrade to 5.0.2.