Trouble Authenticating a client for FHIR API access

OpenEMR Version


The logs don’t even register anything is being done.

I’m running a dev docker compose instance of OpenEMR directly from the git repo.

I’m trying to test calling the FHIR APIs from Postman. I have registered a private client, and created an Oauth2.0 config in postman with the authorize url, token url, client id and secret, etc, which were returned from the /register call.

When I click ‘Get New Access Token’ in Postman, it calls the /authorize endpoint which seems to work

  • I get the login dialog, it then redirects back to postman and postman automatically attempts to call the /token endpoint with the access code, but it immediately fails with a 400:
    {“error”:“invalid_request”,“error_description”:“Bad request”,“message”:“Bad request”}

The call postman is making looks like:

POST https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: /
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 3ad9f96a-2339-4d23-910d-3fe19684ed57
Host: localhost:9300
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 1234

grant_type=authorization_code&code=verylongcodereturned fromauthorize&

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: authserverOpenEMR=UWycKP4i9r9ned0lhySjV3fxQDPj3Zn6GJtVSs019uRw-Qw7; expires=Tue, 20-Jun-2023 05:17:19 GMT; Max-Age=28000; path=/oauth2/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, authorization, accept, content-type, x-requested-with
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Set-Cookie: authserverOpenEMR=deleted; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; Max-Age=0; path=/oauth2/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Length: 85
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json

{“error”:“invalid_request”,“error_description”:“Bad request”,“message”:“Bad request”}

Anything I’m obviously doing wrong? I know the client id, secret, callback sent to /authorize and /token are identical because postman automates the code exchange.

Have you tried turning on the debug api logs in Logging → System Error Logging Options?

From what I see of your request you’ve posted it seems like it should be working. I did just fix a CORS bug in the master branch about two weeks ago dealing with the /token endpoint, but I don’t think that would have impacted you, plus you’re working on the latest dev branch anyways.

Was not aware of how to turn the logs on/up. Thanks! Though that didn’t immediately have any affect. I think I might know what the problem is though. Postman allows two options for Client Authentication 1) Send as Basic Auth Header or 2) Send client credentials in body.
I can’t seem to have it both send the client_id in the body and the auth header.
I’m not an OAuth expert, but this might be a too-onerous requirement on the OpenEMR side to require both, if indeed it does.

I can’t tell for sure if that is required, but the example on this page of a private app POST to /token shows the client_id in the post body: openemr/ at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub

So that’s my best guess so far. Here is my updated request when I use http basic auth:

POST /oauth2/default/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Authorization: Basic NElRaTdGTm5WcmllTXFJSk5RNEJ5NDkxM3FZS19UdmhhcWVmOTk2NUctazpxbGszV21EY3VXZDlsQnZmOHBFU1hfUC1PMmxkRnV5ckJGcWQzdWdPYzc4Y3BWVXpaOS1wNEI2aDI3LUUxQ0lNSkhuemh1dUFRV0dWNzZULWpUZlFPUQ==

User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.32.3

Accept: /

Cache-Control: no-cache

Postman-Token: e8391f96-3d8e-4086-a497-1d871f00c072

Host: localhost:9300

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br

Connection: keep-alive

Content-Length: 1037


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Are you looking at the apache error logs? You should see a number of log entries when you hit the token endpoint.

Your right the example does show the client_id in the body which isn’t required and I’m pretty sure its ignored as my test scripts work fine with just the Basic header authentication.

I didn’t see anywhere that you enabled your confidential client app inside OpenEMR. Confidential apps are disabled by default and must be enabled by an OpenEMR administrator to make requests.

Thanks for the help Stephen. I did make sure to go in and enable the client. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place for the logs. When I run docker compose 4 containers start up. I’m tailing the console log for “openemr/openemr:flex” - which is the container exposing the 8300/9300 ports. Are the logs in a file or something? Nothing is coming up on the console after it starts. This is the last thing printed:

Starting apache!
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message

The logs are in the openemr container in the default apache install location.
You can get to them by doing the following (on a linux machine):

docker exec -ti $(docker ps | grep _openemr | cut -f 1 -d " ") /bin/bash
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

That’s the way I do it. There might be a way to configure the docker containers to output the php error logs to the docker stdout but you’d need someone like @jesdynf or @brady.miller to chime in as I don’t know of any.

Awesome, thanks for guiding me along… Looks like a CSFR error:

[Wed Jun 21 16:29:17.937028 2023] [php:notice] [pid 37] [client] [2023-06-21T16:29:17.937003+00:00] OpenEMR.ERROR: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() CSRF check failed
[Wed Jun 21 16:29:17.937292 2023] [php:notice] [pid 37] [client] [2023-06-21T16:29:17.937258+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() OAuthServerException occurred {“hint”:“”,“message”:“Bad request”,“stack”:“#0 /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/oauth2/authorize.php(73): OpenEMR\\RestControllers\\AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken()\n#1 {main}”}

I’m on the main branch, not dev FYI. So now the question is, how to correct this (unless you think it’s related to the CORS bug you mentioned?).

I’ve used Postman to connect to several other OAuth providers (Keycloak, Auth0, etc.). So it should be compliant/safe/etc…
It does supply a standard redirect URI which I’m not 100% certain how it works, but that may be what is triggered the CSFR, perhaps? Because the /token request doesn’t originate from the redirect domain.

Here’s my Postman config if it helps.

I just barely hit a CSRF bug on the database upgrade script just a few minutes ago. Could be related to something internally in OpenEMR. You shouldn’t be triggering any kind of CSRF on the api as only our internal api which uses a session cookie deals with the CSRF.

You could try hitting our demo instances and see if you get the same behavior on one of the stable releases, either that or check out an earlier release locally while we investigate the issue.

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So postman will auto-save cookies. We do issue a cookie as part of the authorization flow, can you try clearing the cookies in the postman request and see if that clears your CSRF issue?

I’m interested to know if we have introduced a bug in how we setup the session cookies.

I cleared the cookies in Postman, restarted OpenEMR, and restarted Chrome. (I did not explicitly delete cookies in chrome).
Same error, here are the logs from the point where I authorized the requested scopes in the post-login dialog, at which point Postman then tries to get the access token.

I do see a line “restored session user from code” - which may be relevant? (really I’m not sure, just speculating)

Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.205922 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.205383+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: oauth2 request received {"endpoint":"/default/device/code"} [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.210196 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.209823+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->authorizeUser() starting authorization [] [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.211026 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.210988+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->updateAuthRequestWithUserApprovedScopes() attempting to update auth request with user approved scopes {"userApprovedScopes":{"user/":"user/","openid":"openid"}} [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.211099 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.211069+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->updateAuthRequestWithUserApprovedScopes() replaced request scopes with user approved scopes {"updatedScopes":[""openid"",""user\\\\/""]} [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.211886 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.211854+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() creating server [] [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.215243 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.215205+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() grantType is authorization_code [] [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.215337 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.215280+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: logging global params {"site_addr_oath":"https://localhost:9300","web_root":"","site_id":"default"} [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.216573 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.216544+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() authServer created [] [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:23.316935 2023] [php:notice] [pid 39] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:23.316882+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->authorizeUser() sending server response [] [], referer: https://localhost:9300/oauth2/default/scope-authorize-confirm
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.661571 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.660796+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: oauth2 request received {"endpoint":"/default/token"} []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.666133 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.666085+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() starting request [] []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.667759 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.667705+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() grant type received {"grant_type":"authorization_code"} []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.668421 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.668376+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() restored session user from code  {"session":{"site_id":"default","enable_database_connection_pooling":"1","csrf":"","scopes":"openid user/","client_id":"4IQi7FNnVrieMqIJNQ4By4913qYK_Tvhaqef9965G-k","client_role":"user","launch":"","redirect_uri":"","user_id":"996d5012-381a-4c2a-a884-ec935438daa2","persist_login":"0"}} []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.669400 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.669364+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() creating server [] []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.673563 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.673514+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() grantType is authorization_code [] []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.673654 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.673617+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: logging global params {"site_addr_oath":"https://localhost:9300","web_root":"","site_id":"default"} []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.675578 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.675537+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->getAuthorizationServer() authServer created [] []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.675662 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.675619+00:00] OpenEMR.ERROR: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() CSRF check failed [] []
[Wed Jun 21 18:47:24.675992 2023] [php:notice] [pid 47] [client] [2023-06-21T18:47:24.675954+00:00] OpenEMR.DEBUG: AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() OAuthServerException occurred {"hint":"","message":"Bad request","stack":"#0 /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/oauth2/authorize.php(73): OpenEMR\\\\RestControllers\\\\AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken()\\n#1 {main}"} []

This is the relevant code where its failing:

$this->grantType = $request->getParsedBody()['grant_type'];
        $this->logger->debug("AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() grant type received", ['grant_type' => $this->grantType]);
        if ($this->grantType === 'authorization_code') {
            // re-populate from saved session cache populated in authorizeUser().
            $ssbc = $this->sessionUserByCode($code);
            $_SESSION = json_decode($ssbc['session_cache'], true);
            $this->logger->debug("AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() restored session user from code ", ['session' => $_SESSION]);
        // TODO: explore why we create the request again...
        if ($this->grantType === 'refresh_token') {
            $request = $this->createServerRequest();
        // Finally time to init the server.
        $server = $this->getAuthorizationServer();
        try {
            if (($this->grantType === 'authorization_code') && empty($_SESSION['csrf'])) {
                // the saved session was not populated as expected
                $this->logger->error("AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizeToken() CSRF check failed");
                throw new OAuthServerException('Bad request', 0, 'invalid_request', 400);

I’m in the middle of something else but you can take a look at your oauth_trusted_users table at the session_cache table and see if you are getting a csrf saved in the session. If you’re not then something is going wrong in the authorization form flow. If a value is saved, then there’s something wrong with the session cookies being sent.

I’m scratching my head though why you’re running into this as I’ve seen something similar when crossing from HTTP to HTTPS but it doesn’t look like you are doing that. Have you tested this against any of the OpenEMR demo servers OpenEMR Demo and reproduced the problem?

I just tried against the 7.0.1 demo server. It looks like there the /token call returns an HTTP 302 which tried to redirect Postman to:

Which then fails… not sure if I set it up incorrectly, or…

You may need to walk me through this… I’m a fairly experienced backend developer, but brand new to OpenEMR. Do I need to connect to the mariadb container to query this, or is there someplace in the UI to extract this?

local docker has phpmyadmin installed at http://localhost:8310/

What scopes are you sending? Are you using the api:fhir or api:oemr scopes?

At the moment, just trying:
openid patient/

Okay, for this client I see this in the session_cache column:

{"site_id":"default","enable_database_connection_pooling":"1","csrf":null,"scopes":"openid user\/","client_id":"4IQi7FNnVrieMqIJNQ4By4913qYK_Tvhaqef9965G-k","client_role":"user","launch":null,"redirect_uri":"https:\/\/\/v1\/callback","user_id":"996d5012-381a-4c2a-a884-ec935438daa2","persist_login":0}

Your state parameter is either not being sent or not saved in your Postman request. Also you should be sending the api:fhir scope in your request.

AuthorizationController.php:L467-L476 is where this is getting populated:

            // Validate the HTTP request and return an AuthorizationRequest object.
            $this->logger->debug("AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizationFlow() attempting to validate auth request");
            $authRequest = $server->validateAuthorizationRequest($request);
            $this->logger->debug("AuthorizationController->oauthAuthorizationFlow() auth request validated, csrf,scopes,client_id setup");
            $_SESSION['csrf'] = $authRequest->getState();
            $_SESSION['scopes'] = $request->getQueryParams()['scope'];
            $_SESSION['client_id'] = $request->getQueryParams()['client_id'];
            $_SESSION['client_role'] = $authRequest->getClient()->getClientRole();
            $_SESSION['launch'] = $request->getQueryParams()['launch'] ?? null;
            $_SESSION['redirect_uri'] = $authRequest->getRedirectUri() ?? null;