Trouble Authenticating a client for FHIR API access

Oh, gosh, I know I messed with this at some point… right, here we are.

This closed GitHub issue discusses this topic. If you take a look at the current Apache config you’ll find the rotatelogs pipe I talked about, and it should be possible to arrange something reasonable from there.

I added the api:fhir scope, but it didn’t change the outcome.
It appears there is a bug in Postman such that I can’t see /authorize request that is sent. So I can’t verify whether the state parameter is sent. But being that it’s a required part of the OAuth flow I assume it’s there. The state param is not sent on the /token request which I can see - nor should it be required for OAuth to my (novice) understanding.

I downloaded Postman to see if I could reproduce your problem (I use Insomnia now since Postman has moved to requiring a cloud connection). I’m guessing you are not putting in a value for the State parameter in your authorization flow. When I leave that field blank as you have it in your screenshots above the requests fails like you’ve described. Putting in a random value allows the flow to go through.

We can probably improve the error messages here, but we do require the state parameter is present. Its not a required field for OAuth but for our OpenEMR installations we require the state parameter so that clients can know that the request comes from us.

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Ugh… at least it was something simple. Sorry to have used up some of your time, but very much appreciate the help.

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