Stripe Payment in openemr

Hi everyone,
How to use stripe payment in openemr. Anyone give steps and procedure. Thanks in advance.

Hi @maryabisha

Stripe was first added to OpenREMR in version 5 and instructions for it are scanty and rather aged. The wiki has some simple instructions for it here:

and here’s a forum post that discusses it in some ddetail:

The specifics appear to be to sign up with the service at, and get your account credentials.
Go to the Globals, select Stripe and add the account credentials. Then the payment button will appear somewhere…?

Looks like @juggernautsei is the Dev most closely involved with Stripe for OpenEMR. You might want to DM him for more information.
Good luck!

  • Harley

I put both and Stripe into OpenEMR. Available in Front Payments and the portal.
Everything is managed in Config.
Stripe also has ability to use an onsite terminal.

Hi @sjpadgett
I get error while payment proceess.
Can you tell why this error happen to me. i also check my live site its show same error. Plese help me