SOAP Nation Note saved to other patient

ok, do you use multiple tabs in your browser with a couple of openemr sessions simultaneously and/or multiple browser sessions that are logged into openemr?

Sometimes I have Documents and Encounter open on the browser so I could see and type. I also use multiple computers but I save my work once I’m done with a computer.

This is what I’m talking about. I’m doing it at the moment and without anyone else in the office.

I typed in “This is for patient 441 on date 05/21” and it saved on patient ID 441 with encounter #7188.

However, when I opened another patient’s soap note it has the same writing. That patient’s ID is 441 with encounter 7188. See pics

I’m switching to Linux because it gives me too much headache. The thing it doesn’t do it for all patient, only a few.

thanks for more detail @cornutaurus, believe this is linked to this issue, Getting abruptly logged out or cross patient data. · Issue #1644 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

Thank you. do you know if it just for windows or for linux too?

hi @cornutaurus linux too

Hopefully just brought a fix for this into the codebase :slight_smile:

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Awesome, that was fast. I’m not familiar with github coding. How do I install or update it? Do I open the files manually and paste it in the code?

hi @cornutaurus, pretty sure it will be in the next patch but you could always hand edit if need be

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Will this solve the eSign also? Because it gives a wrong time and date when generating report. View encounter has the correct time. But after click on generating report, it gives a different time (and this time is the same time as some one else).

For example. When viewing Encounter it has eSign date as 2018-04-12 16:17:54. (Correct time) When generating report it has 2018-04-12 11:22:27

I posted this last year thinking it was just maybe switching from Windows 7 to Windows 10 but it might not be the reason. Different Date when generating report

Before upgrading to 5.0.0, everything was fine. No problem with eSign or SOAP notes.

don’t think so @cornutaurus, this is a separate issue, most likely due to multiple saved esign encounters in the database and not selecting the most recent

If the time is the same as somebody else, then it is possible (although agree with Stephen that it may not) that this may fix it, since there were also session issues with the Esign button that were fixed.

When i checked under phpmyadmin the eSign displayed when clicked on [Generate Report] belongs to a different person with a different Encounter.
If I were to sign to an Encounter twice, when click on [Generate Report] it would display both eSign date.

Anyway, I really appreciate the fix. To my understanding the link for the fix has 4 files. some session fixes (#1659) · openemr/openemr@94c38a7 · GitHub

Do I click on the [View] button on the right of each file then copy the entire code and paste it into my current file for all 4 files?

Right now, when I changed the affected person’s SOAP, it’d change the other’s person SOAP also.

Thank you,

hi @cornutaurus ,
To clarify, which OpenEMR version are you using?
(as long as there are no issues, patch 3 with these fixes should be released this evening :slight_smile: )

hello i’m using version 5.0.0. Thanks

hi @cornutaurus ,
That is going to be really tough since the code is markedly different in the patched areas between 5.0.0 and 5.0.1

I see. Thanks. So I just have to upgrade to version 5.0.1 and it should have the fix already included?

Hi @cornutaurus ,

Rec ensuring that your bug is fixed on the demos here which are now using patch 3:

And if your bug is fixed there, then I’d rec thinking about upgrading to 5.0.1 (of course, do the upgrade on a testing instance first and have a good backup etc.).


I’m not sure if it was on my end or not.
OS: Linux Mint
OpenEMR Version: 5.0.1(7)

It happened again today. Last patient of yesterday and first patient of today got mixed up. I noticed the visit summary box, Reason: ___ did not get mixed up. Only the custom layout/nation notes got mixed up.

Luckily I backup my data everyday. After back up my data it seemed to work again for those 2 patients. The computer I’m using is the one I have my server and data on. We also have another staff that is using another computer but she is set to billing/front desk.

I don’t think I did anything different from any other days.

OS: Linux Mint
OpenEMR Version: 5.0.1(7)

I encountered another error.
This was more than a month ago.

First image is the patient with her notes.

  • with MySQL. The form ID is 18785-18786. First one is encounter, second one is custom form - SOAP.

Second image is the patient with SOAP notes that is exactly from the first patient.

If I try to change anything in 1 patient, the other one changes as well.

The only thing changes are the custom form - SOAP notes. The encounter form did not change thus you can see the different in reasons for each encounter.

As of right now this is the only error I’ve encountered so far.

Could someone help or give advise. Thanks