coldblood wrote on Sunday, August 29, 2010:
First off, let me say that I’m new to medical billing as well as OpenEMR, but I think the secondary billing isn’t working correctly.
Here is what I did:
1) I selected a patient with 2 insurance companies and created an encounter and billed a single line item code for $50.
2) I then went to the billing screen, clicked the checkbox next to the encounter, and clicked Generate CMS 1500. Now the screen shows this:
2010-08-29 18:27 Encounter was coded
2010-08-29 18:27 Queued for primary hcfa billing to Medicaid
2010-08-29 18:27 Claim was generated to file 2010-08-29-1827-batch.pdf
3) I clicked the EOB link on the screen. I clicked the radio for “Done with Ins1”, radio for “Posting for Ins1”, and checked the box for “Needs secondary billing”. I entered $25 in the line item for the $50 claim. I clicked Save.
At this point, I refreshed the billing screen, and now it shows the following for the encounter:
2010-08-29 18:27 Encounter was coded
2010-08-29 18:27 Queued for primary hcfa billing to Medicaid
2010-08-29 18:27 Claim was generated to file 2010-08-29-1827-batch.pdf
2010-08-29 18:28 Queued for primary hcfa billing to Medicaid
At this point, I would have expected it to say Queued for secondary hcda billing to Aetna, at which point if I clicked the checkbox again, and clicked Generate CMS 1500, it would bill Aetna for the remaining $25.
If that is not the desired behavior, can someone clear this up for me? I read the manual, which didn’t really walk through this scenario. I read this forum, which references SQL Ledger, which I believe is the legacy way of doing the billing.
P.S. I also pulled back the latest git 4.0 code, and the same behavior is there as well.