aethelwulffe wrote on Saturday, April 16, 2011:
Customer ID: 0023558 File Status: REJECTED
Date Received: 2011-04-16 Time Received: 15:20:14.435
Filename: elig-270…2011-02-01.2011-04-16.txt
File Control Number: 895446777
Interchange acknowledged: TA101
Interchange Date: 110416 Interchange Time: 1514
Interchange Status: The Transmitted Interchange Control Structure Header and Trailer are Rejected Because of Errors.
Interchange Note: Unknown Interchange Receiver ID
Their system will be down from 16apr 1700- tomorrow. I will call them and find out what the heck, but I think this here is a good hint as to what is screwy:
ISA*00*0000000 *00*0000000000*ZZ*AV09311993 *01*AV09311993 *110416*1514*U*00401*895446777*1*P*:~GS*HS*AV01101957*030240928
Lots of zeros……Not good. should be blank spaces.
BTW, ISA01-04 ARE used by some companies, and should be configurable in OpenEMR. I have modified files for claims and x12 partner configuration here:
Part of these files include a new edit html that allows you to configure your x12 partner data with the elements in ORDER, instead of the mis-matched mish-mash order they are currently in, as well as allowing configuration of the whole header. To finish this, not only do we need to sql queryies to have patch updates, but also have the 4.1 upgrade added as well (prolly the 3.2 upgrade also). If we have the 270 using these new x12 partner variables, we will have a complete system.
Can I convince you of something here? 
Perhaps you could utilize my files to make changes here, and allow these values to have configurable settings. Without such, I won’t (and a lot of folks in Fl &IL won’t) be able to use it for everyone. Once this is done, I believe a lot of recurring issues will be solved. You could integrate my includes, use those fields/variables the way I have done in my x12 gen changes, and we could be trottin hot.