toledomed wrote on Thursday, October 27, 2011:
GoDaddy has some of the cheapest hosting available, that’s why we are using it. I have been a longstanding GoDaddy customer since 2006 and generally have had no problems with their services. However, unless your combining prices, our hosting costs us roughly 4-5 dollars/month, not 30 as you had mentioned. Plus I get many coupon codes in emails that they send me, so that rate goes down even further. SSLs seem to be rather expensive at the moment, but from a HIPAA/Medical security standpoint that feature is not optional. Currently we do not have an SSL because I am waiting to get these OpenEMR issues ironed out first, then buy one, and install it.
my webserver_root variable is manually set to the absolute hosting path of my shared hosting. web_root is simply set to /emr, according to how I have folder-mapped OpenEMR (‘domain/emr’ instead of ‘domain/openemr’). I had to do this because for some reason OpenEMR did not automatically locate the correct paths as the code indicates it should.
Regarding the site ID: It automatically passes in the default, as opposed to manual set (as seen in the address bar when you go to it) and that’s what I thought was odd, too. I looked over that piece of code in particular (before you mentioned it) for any possible clues or mishaps that would even remotely cause a problem, and nothing was able to be tweaked.
GoDaddy and standard PHP configuration is the worst possible combination out there. However, this, as well as this entire problem as a whole, are almost certainly all caused due to the fact that it is SHARED hosting, not dedicated. While I understand dedicated everything is the optimal way to go, the price factor must be deeply considered.
In any case, GoDaddy claims that to change PHP configurations for your own folder of shared hosting, you simply place the PHP.ini or PHP5.ini (depending on your version of PHP; I happen to be running 5.2) into the root directory, and the server automatically reads said settings. Tried this already, entering in all of the entries OpenEMR specifically recommends for best performance (as noted on the initial setup screen). Has no effect on OpenEMR. If I were to add this path in, where should I put it?
also, if it helps, you can see my PHP config file here:
Since this EMR is broken at this point, there obviously is no sensitive patient data–it is blank. So for the sake of everyone helping me, login using the default:
UN: admin
PW: pass
Obviously I will change the password after I resolve this, but until then please do login and see what I am seeing.
Thanks in advance to everyone who is able to help. It’s greatly appreciated. As always, let me know if there is any more information I can provide to help you.