ONC Certification - updates

Hello, I has wondering about Meaningful Use 3’s implementation on openEMR. The government is requiring MU3 this year for Medicare (2019 Program Requirements Medicare | CMS). I was wondering when it will be decided that MU3 will be implemented and about how long it will take? I was also wondering what parts of MU3 have already been implemented if any? Thank you for your help.


hi, further down on the page there is this

Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances.
If your EHR vendor is unable to offer 2015 Edition CEHRT for the 2019 EHR reporting
period, you can apply for a hardship exception to avoid a payment adjustment

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. However, that does not answer my question. Will openEMR implement the requirements for MU3?

hi @acs5071 ,

We are definitely planning to get MU3, but as with MU2, it will take awhile. The main thing we are lacking is resources (especially funding) at this time, but we will get there.


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Thank you for the information. Your updated link in February 2016 estimated 31 engineering months to complete MU3 (about 3 years). That was 2 years ago, so perhaps progress has been made. We are currently using openEMR as our EMR. Unfortunately, Medicare is currently requiring MU3 reporting, so 3 years is a long time – especially if progress towards MU3 is not currently being made. It would be a great help if you could please provide me your best guess of: (1) the timeline for completion, and (2) the funds required for completion?

First, nice wiki @brady.miller whom I assume is author.
Second, it is very difficult to estimate a set time line in an open source product where donations and the goodness of contributors fluctuates. @visolveemr has done a great job with outlining the scope of work needed but who is going to take charge? Will someone contribute the considerable talent needed to see the project to completion?

However you look at this, a project leader that’s knowledgeable and experienced well enough with OpenEMR and MU compliance that also has the time necessary to see to completion is required.
Leading me to suggest that maybe the best approach is to set up a donation based funding source to hire a team or person to see this through from an engineering and project management perspective.
This person/team could then draw on community software contributors and/or the wealth of professional talent available by breaking down the scope of work and managing the guidance for and implementation of the individual milestones.

@sjpadgett - Thank you for the compliments on MU2 estimate!
Unfortunately, many things have changed since then like more progress on interoperability, security and standardization etc. At this point, we recommend to revisit the whole MU3 for OpenEMR with a different perspective.
-ViSolve OpenEMR support Team

Thought the doc covered MU3 also, guess not. I can note though, it doesn’t seem like there is a rush to sign up for the task! :slight_smile:

My Bad… We meant MU3 estimate and NOT MU2.
However, since the estimate many things have changed on the technology

Glad to see the “rush” to sign up!

-ViSolve OpenEMR Team

here’s the changes to 2015 edition EHR criteria that will most likely take effect later this summer after the HHS reviews the comments it just received
HITACNPRMPresentation-1.pdf (53.7 KB)

That is interesting revision. If anyone is interested, all hybridauth endpoints are OAuth2 and/or OpenID compliant. And most of them would take care of MFA.

looks like we’re still waiting for the final rule to be published in the federal register


started the funding wiki for end of the year donations:



Big news on this front.

We now have funding for testing (~15K) and to begin development (another 10K) !!!

Things are a bit complicated since there is a"proposed change" for ONC 2015 that has not yet become official. So there are 2 completion barometers at this time (the first is without the “proposed change” and the second is with the “proposed change”):

The plan is to work on the items that are common between the two barometers for now. Note 2 of the items (yellow) are currently being worked on by volunteers/contributors, but that leaves many other items (green) open. Feel free to take ownership of one if wish to volunteer/contribute work on one or more (just let me know and I’ll update the wiki page). In the more detailed section below the barometer, it shows the owner of items that are actively being worked on and it also gives a very rough workload estimate of each of the green/yellow items:

GO ONC 2015!!


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Is there a chatroom (slack, IRC, etc.) for developers to contribute PRs and features to openemr and also discuss in-progress tasks? Thanks. @brady.miller

hi @Valerio_Zhang, please see https://www.open-emr.org/chat/

here’s the finalized rule PR https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2020/03/09/hhs-finalizes-historic-rules-to-provide-patients-more-control-of-their-health-data.html

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Great to hear things are finally finalized. Thanks for posting.

I took a look and the document is 1244 pages. Is there a plan to divide and conquer what changed and update the MU3 barometer?

hi @RachelEllison, yep, once the dust has settled we can condense to one barometer (currently the lower one of the 2)