Meet the Community and Introduce Yourself

hi @stephenjude and @deepanshsachdeva and welcome to the OpenEMR project!

Ensure you check out this post for some details:
OpenEMR is participating in Google Summer of Code 2020!

If you are interested in an idea on the list, then recommend starting a discussion on the related forum thread. If you are interested in a custom project, then recommend creating a forum thread for it.

@deepanshsachdeva , the OpenEMR community is pretty much both docker and cloud crazy (in a good way). @jesdynf is one of the GSoC mentors and basically built all of OpenEMR’s cloud offerings:

Would also suggest participating on OpenEMR’s github repo and working on a simple mini-project (such as a simple bug fix or simple feature) to interact with the OpenEMR developers and learn how PR’s and code reviews work. Please don’t worry about how nicely your code looks or if it works or anything like that; the community values passion more than skills since we are confident your skills will improve. And most of all, have fun!
