I reinstalled the openemr server in my new windows 8.1 machine running xampp 1.8.0…Now, I created a brand new profile for the offsite patient portal with e new provider ID, User name and password. I wrote those credetials in Administration->Portal. The portal connects fine and shows the settings…but there are a few problems:
when I go to mydocsportal.com and enter the provider ID, it tells me that " THERE IS NO CNNECTION WITH THIS SITE" why is it so???
When i go to Portal Activity->Chck Conn tab, instead of howing connection success, it shows the following in red.:-
Check Offsite UserName And Password Stored In Administration->Globals->Portal
Enable soap extenion in php.ini file
Check Your Domain Name Or IP Address (OpenEMR should host in a static IP Or Dedicated Domain Name. Patient Portal Not Support localhost or internal IP)
Check your site ID(Patient portal registed site folder and openemr site folder should be same.)
I have installed the openVPN client,and followed the instruction in the pdf file for setting up vpn in emr server a given by zh health care in the wiki, but the vpn client constntly shows connecting and nothing really happens…
Please help me fix this patient portal issue…I dont want to use VPN or anything…Give me back my old nice offsite patient portal which was easier and cleaner to setup…Please…!!!
Can you check please the link in GLOBALS->Portal->Offsite Patient Portal Site Address. If its https://ssh.mydocsportal.com, change it to http://mydocsportal.com, so that you can connect to the old system.
Seems like a very complicated task to setup the offsite portal securely.
I don’t really have any experience with it, but with the Static IP requirement, how are you handling the change from your old machine to your new machine? Does the new machine have the same public static IP as the old one? Are there firewall or port forwarding settings that need to be updated?
You need to setup VPN in you EMR server with the certificate we provide you after completing the registration process. Otherwise, the Portal will not be able to connect to your EMR. For existing users, the connectivity will be done in the old way, using static IP.
Were you able to connect to the Portal successfully?
I changed the path URL by removing the ssh from it as directed by zh healthcare but it constatntly throws an error that INVALID USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD, inspite of providing the correct password. Also,I tried creating a new profile for the clinic, the authentication password was not sent to my inbox but after changing the URL back to ssh one, the password was srent to my inbox…Please help me with it…I dont wanna setup the VPN…or If I have to…please help me set up with it…giving clear instructions…
Kevin, I changed my PC and I have a dynamic IP address, I make it static using dyndns.org
Kindly keep both ways of connection…old as well as the new VPN one…VPN is cumbersome and really causing problems…right now i have no connectivity with the portal…neither my patients…this is bad…please keep the old portal format intact…its a request
Kindly keep both ways of connection…old as well as the new VPN one…VPN is cumbersome and really causing problems…right now i have no connectivity with the portal…neither my patients…this is bad…please keep the old portal format intact…its a request
Dr. Naha’s request is one reason why I dislike the Third Party Portal. Although it is “Free” as in “Free Beer” it locks users in to ZH’s way of doing things and in my mind is not in the proper spirit of Open Source development. Dr. Naha is at the mercy of ZH’s development cycle.
Kevin, I think more portal solutions will come along that are a better fit for open source ideals. I hear you but in the meantime we can’t fault ZH for providing a useful free service. They are entitled to their business model as long as it complies with the license.
I apologize for not checking with you earlier. Have your issues been resolved yet? If not, please let me know and I will get on to it ASAP.
The code was reviewed and tested and it works(worked) in the Community version. So there might be something unique about your set up or some other patch broke it. Whichever the reason we will fix it.
Oh, by the way, the VPN method was opted because a) it is substantially more secure, and b) People can use it without a static IP. Both of these features are highly desirable. We would not recommend keeping both going forward for obvious reasons. We could organize a webinar or even a one to one session to demonstrate how to set this up.
Agree with Rod. Goal of this thread is to fix the current problem, not torpedo the entire offsite portal (which happens to be maintained and free). If your inclined, suggest discussing this on the ad-hoc group mailing list or the weekly conference.
-brady OpenEMR