Major billing issues with 5.0.2 - Please help

@sjpadgett Ran through the test and it looks like everything is working now and not skipping the insurances if unpaid. Thanks so much Jerry!

Q: Is there a bug and/or suggestions thread anywhere to address issues that come up? I know some of this code has older origins and some of the thoughts behind fixes and changes have been lost over time. Some sort of thread like this might be helpful to existing as well as future users - I can only see the usage increase in the years to come. OpenEMR is too flexible to ignore.

Iā€™ve also reviewed a demo of version 6.0 and itā€™s looking really good. Nice work!

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Youā€™re welcome John! So glad we got to put to bed this issue that has troubled you for so long.

A note on billing: IMO and after looking over much of the billing code, the module was a difficult one to develop and was very well done however, over time billing practices change and weā€™ve fallen behind.
It is my hope for v6.0 weā€™ll do some major modifications. Starting with tying everything together in one place with some better general ledger capabilities and allow making corrections in a claim maintenance screen. Also a claims builder so we can consolidate several encounter claims into one claim etc. ie Billing Manager on steroids! Anyway, just some of my thoughts and any issues you come across the best thing from a developers point of view is by opening an issue where we can track. Here is link: Issues Ā· openemr/openemr Ā· GitHub this is what we pay closest attention.

Concerning v6.0; Thank you on behalf of all of us developers. The modernization team headed by @tywrenn and @stu01509 with admin oversight is working hard(I mean hard) to get OpenEMR onto the small device environment for most of our capabilities, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll appreciate your notice. Also our APIā€™s(standard and FHIR) will be of note in next version. This allows for mobile and other app development. I think several folks are developing as I write this.

Good luck and stay safe.


I have exact the same problem with secondary insurance payments posting, started from 5.0.1. Now after upgrading to 5.0.2(4), nothing changed. Before we had a problem only with old patients with more then 50 encounters, now after all upgrades we canā€™t post secondary insurance payments from Batch Payments.

@stephenwaite, We do not use ERA at all. We are still having a problem with the older Medicare 2ndary payments. If the EOB has several claims, sometimes 2 or 3 will not post. We are currently using Office Ally for medicare claims. Peggy

Hi Jerry
I have exact the same problem with secondary insurance payments posting, started from 5.0.1. Now after upgrading to 5.0.2(4), nothing changed. Before we had a problem only with old patients with more then 50 encounters, now after all upgrades we canā€™t post any secondary insurance payments from Batch Payments.
There is no any problem with primary insurance payments posting, only with secondary.

We did all recommended php settings, but no any changes in secondary posting

We using 5.0.2(4) with php7.2.
php7.2 settings updated to recommended
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 48M
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_vars = 3000
max_input_time = 1000

After php settings update no any changes, same problems.

Want to note I added an addendum patch for patch 5 that includes all by pre-patches iā€™ve released here and there for bug fixes.