once i scheduled the patient appointment & try to send the SMS reminders to the patients it shows
and if i try to test SMS reminders we are getting it shows sent successfully
but the patients are not getting the reminder SMS, how to solve this.
NOTE: we are using the TWILIO , and we have setup correctly in our openEMR
how to solve this issue.
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version : 7.0.2
Browser :
I’m using: chrome
Operating System
I’m using: windows 11
December 3, 2024, 1:21pm
You need to creat a cronjob, see here:
This is what I have for the cronjob
30 8 * * * ubuntu /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/ebhealth/interface/modules/custom_modules/oe-module-faxsms/library/rc_sms_notification.php site=default user=admin type=sms testrun=0 /dev/null 2>&1
Hope this helps.
I run my crontab as a root so I changed it a little:
30 8 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/openemr/interface/modules/custom_modules/oe-module-faxsms/library/rc_sms_notification.php site=default user=admin type=sms testrun=0 /dev/null 2>&1
Install the current patch on your system. If you have no patches installed. You can fix this issue with the patch that is out there.
(Philip Lieberman)
December 15, 2024, 8:16am
We have a commerical integration for OpenEMR that will automatically handle appointment reminders and more. Patient Concierge by Analog Informatics