How do I locate contrib/?

This type of install default changes drive me nuts!!! just saying!

I installed the latest version of ubuntu in virtualbox and followed this video.

okay so what version ubuntu are you on, 18.04?

its ubuntu 20.04…

Of course! I mean why not. Some days I just need to mind my own business. Kidding of course.:slight_smile:

I need to think about this for a minute…

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For now I choose to try and make this work.

tail -n500 /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Look for [client] and [mysqld] sections. any directive like local_infile=1 ?

If not add it under both sections and restart mysql.

I can see only [mysqld] section and [client] it is not there… Where should I add exactly and how to add, it seems I cannot edit it here?

To edit in linux you’d have to change file permissions. Not sure if you know how to use any of the default ubuntu editors but you can copy the file to your local machine, edit, then write it back.
You want to add toward top of file


then find the [mysqld] section and add the line anywhere under

I added in the file and restarted the apache server and its the same state.

Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 23.32.19

You have to restart mysql

sudo service mysql restart


Thank you so much! It worked! Thanks a lot! It was a big help!

You’re welcome. Glad you got it going. Once patch 2 is released, get installed sooner rather than later.
Also, please goto where your original question was answered and mark this topic as solved for others searching forum.

Good luck with your research.

Sure, I will do it. Thank you so much! Thanks for spending lot of your time and effort!

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I just want to note for those following this thread how useful User Debug can be. Not only for helping users that are not experienced doing this kind of work but also, developers.

User Debug relies on our Header class so if a script doesn’t use the class, errors will be missed. v5.0.2 release saw the class used more extensively but, nowhere near v5.0.3 use.

This thread provides a good use case…

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