The current x12 export code has some serious issues already, as it is not fully configurable, and even has some output format errors.
What is in the works for the 5010 standard?
I am going to try to map out changes that will be necessary for 5010, as well as for table changes needed to include or exclude data for the new format. I will also attempt to make changes (or at least map out code needs if I am unable to code them properly) to the header data interface code in the x-12 partner GUI to allow for full configuration, and base output configuration by version choice.
Puhleez advise me who and where someone is working on this stuff for 4.0, and if there are any resources/patches anyone has made for this data in 3.2.0
I have a client who wants it by July, so quite possible I’ll do it for them if nobody else wants it sooner.
Yeah 837p is missing some things here and there. But it’s a lot better than the old logic that required FreeB and SQL-Ledger. What happens is that clinics are only willing to sponsor the parts they need, so the little-used features are sometimes a surprise when they are needed.
Ah, good to know that this is 837p and not 837i. I wasn’t absolutley sure based on the version statement in the partner setup. Seems like if it puts out only one format, it should have the version hard-wired yes? Otherwise a listbox…
Seems like it is beyond Openemr to export to ValueOptions (FHC &Affilliates) First, they require data in ISA01-04. Next they actually want to know how many claims and what the total billing in a batch is as a “security feature” or “validation” of some kind, and you don’t really get a report out of the billing module for this sort of thing like you do with EZClaims or Medisoft (Both of which I still hate BTW).
Hey, anyone want to help sponsor this by contributing a 5010 837p Implementation Guide? Looks like those are $525 from . Quite a ripoff considering it’s a government mandated standard….
Hey, Rod, I am perfectly willing to have a quick go at this. I am pretty sure I can handle it. I have gotten *rather* familiar with those bits of the EMR here of late. I can at least make functional changes that do that job, and submit for hot wash-up.
I happen to have needed almost everything that anyone else ignored. Makes me uniquely qualified (if under-educated).
Already got some Companion Guides… need the Implementation Guide which is the official spec and is not free. It’s no good if you’re arguing with a payer or clearinghouse and can’t reference or quote from the spec.
If you wanna help that’s great but I’ll be in there too. Oh and the 835’s will also need attention.
I’ll work on getting the damn implementation guide. I’ll get funding from the agency to buy it if I can’t shake down a…um…copy somewhere.
POC to whine about this bunch of bs… hazeline.roulac@cms.hhs gov or 410-786-1173 I’m sending a mail tonight and calling her in the morning.
OK, these ppl suck.
We (Adoption Related Services of PInellas) are gonna make our tangible contribution to OpenEMR by sending these pirates their DaneGeld and getting a copy of the implementation guide. I gotta get a-hold of Linda (if she will answer her damn phone) and get approval. Our take this year has been about 150% of the planned budget (the EMR has really helped tremendously) so even though it is over our $500 without board approval discretionary single-item limit, she should approve it with no problem. Getting the whole suite of edi formats to properly process with a standardized edition of OEMR, including our need for more header info as well as getting 270/271 to work should be well worth them coughing up a tiny wee bit of cash.
I think OEMR could afford the overage with out a problem…
The main site donate buttonn is kind of broken right now. I’ll get the OEMR donate access up over the weekend and announce it or you can mail a check to OEMR (see for address)
The BOD for ARSP has the budget request for e-mail vote.
I hope they go with the simple “donate” option. Either way, when I drafted the letter, I made sure that they understood that funding this is NOT really an option…
Won’t be long now.