not sure how I can help you incorporate this into the codebase?
github most likely, which i’d be glad to play with some more
the steps necessary are:
replace the file /var/www/openemr/contrib/icd9/ with
(which has to be renamed because cms uses ‘-’ instead of underscore ‘_’)
in the github repository (guessing here)
add this item to table which we may want to reindex so all of the ICD9 come first, maybe eliminate v29?
not too mention the work for the corresponding ICD10 updates found here:
Maybe you can rebase the commits for me? I just cleaned up the ICD10 data load too. Everything is now 2014 except reimbursement mapping which hasn’t come out yet but maybe soon if the gov’t gets going again?
Awesome, will look at it. Can you place a link here to the github commit or branch?
(one of the review comments will be not to change the official file name you downloaded; the reason Mac (developer of this) went with the checksums was because of our governments inability to even create standardized filenames (note the snomed and rxnorm imports actually collect metadata from the filename itself, but for the cms stuff needed to create the standardized sql table to store and manually place it)).
(another review comment will likely be to wait on the 2014 icd10 files until it’s all ready to go (ie. not sure what will happen if only some of the files get imported; I think it may break the mechanism, though). Could just go with 2013 until 2014 is done.)
Hi Stephen,
Great, will get it rebased and reviewed over the weekend (or maybe before if have some time). If have time, will also provide the rebase commands I use in the review since it’s a very useful skill to have in git.
-brady OpenEMR
Here’s what I did to rebase your code into one commit.
# Add your repo and collect it
git remote add stephenwaite
git fetch stephenwaite
# Create my own branch with your code in it
git checkout stephenwaite/icd9dataload
(ignore error message)
git checkout -b stephen-icddataload_1
# Look at it
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
(this is a very nice way to visualize when there are merges; as you can see your last commit is a merge)
#Now for the rebase (Note the last number after HEAD is how many commits you want to go back; it should only show 5 below, but because of the merge it's a bit messed up)
git rebase -i HEAD~5
#(now see below in text editor; note I have changed several of the 'pick' to 'squash'; when done save and exit from the text editor)
pick b053992 Bug fix: Imported document owner id was not being set correctly.
pick bdddc55 Added support for documents embedded in HL7 OBX results, and some other e-labs improvements.
pick 702c56e Direct Messaging Module updates for improved reliability, security, and useability
pick 4cef52e rebased those babies that fix icd9 and icd10 data loads
squash 2689f65 updated icd9 load file from cms
squash 5897a65 updated icd10 load file from cms
squash cdbd60a revised commit based on brady's advice from forum, don't change file names and use 2013 if 2014 isn't ready
squash 60f16fd Delete
# Rebase 854d664..5dee164 onto 854d664
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
#Now the editor will show the commit comments, which you can modify and then save and edit.
(note that this was not simple at all here; because of the merge there were a bunch of conflicts to fix; ie. do not try it or will be stuck in rebase conflict hell)
(try above mechanism out instead on a branch with no merges; nice thing about git is easy to create "garbage" commits to toy around with; ie. within master branch can do git checkout -b garbage-testing-branch)
#Now push it to my github
git push origin stephen-icddataload_1
Which can be found here:
(note that because of all the merging conflicts I am not very sure if this is the final code, but it's a good starting point for a review at least)