Error while Importing patient data

I’m trying to import patient data into openEMR

So first, I have tried to export the patient data(CCR) and re-upload it again into openEMR

Steps i took for re-uploading

For exporting:-

->selected a patient>>report>>download(CCR of patient)
->deleted the patient in openEMR

For Importing:-

->miscellaneous>>new document>>uploaded the same file(downloaded earlier) in CCR module

This is when i got the error
I got this error “The system does not permit uploading files with MIME content type - text/xml.”

I am attaching a screenshot of it below.

Can anyone help me import patient data into OpenEMR ?

hi @Noor, usually start with a .csv import using a tool like phpmyadmin, you can search the forum for similar threads like, Need to find a way to import patient data

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thanks for the reply i will definitely look into that. But is there any way to import patient data using OpenEMR.

there is a CCDA import, How to import patient data into Open EMR

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Thanks again for the reply i am new to this. so, where can i find CCDA import and is it possible to get a sample file for this

you should be able to find a sample ccda on the web, here’s the first return from duckduckgo, GitHub - chb/sample_ccdas: Repository of Sample CCDA Documents -- all comers welcome!

install the care coordination module under the modules menu in openemr

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