Duplicate custom created tab in demographics

I’ve created a tab under the patient demographics tab where our providers can create a custom goal for a patient. I want to duplicate this tab to follow each patient for 5 years. So we would have a Year 1 Goals and Objectives, Year 2 Goals and Objectives, etc tabs. Do I have to manually create the new tabs or is there a way to more easily duplicate the fields but where Y1_cog would become Y2_cog so on and so forth? reason I ask is each year will have 60+ lines.

5 Domains, 8 goals per domain.

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Ok, I did not notice this because it did not specifically say LBF in the title. My error. My question to you is:

Do you need to do it in the demographic LBF?
This is part of core OpenEMR. Could this LBF get overwritten with a future update???

Consider adding this information into the record separately using a separate LBF. See:

Thanks for the question.

ugh I certainly hope not. we have done updates in the past without losing any custom tabs. but will have to test it for sure now.

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