In OpenEMR 5.0.2 (patch 3) on Debian I copied to contrib/rxnorm/ and installed
In the Apache log I see the following, don’t know if these are an issue or not:
PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/tmp/RXNORM/scripts/mysql/Table_scripts_mysql_rxn.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/library/ on line 93, referer: …/interface/code_systems/dataloads_ajax.php
PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/tmp/RXNORM/scripts/mysql/Load_scripts_mysql_rxn_unix.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/library/ on line 97, referer: …/interface/code_systems/dataloads_ajax.php
PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/tmp/RXNORM/scripts/mysql/Indexes_mysql_rxn.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/public_html/library/ on line 100, referer: …/interface/code_systems/dataloads_ajax.php
It appears to install OK
In Administration > Lists > Code Types > RXCUI I made it active and enabled for Drug
No medications can be found when using:
Patient demographics > Edit Medications > Add Medications > Coding > RXCUI Medication > Search.
I see mention of RxNorm integration being worked on but not completed back in 2013 but anything could have happened in the intervening years so wanted to check:
@stephenwaite rather than continue to wait for the next release of OpenEMR, is it possible to get this RxNorm fix sooner by deploying the changed files – is that just a case of downloading library/ from github and deploying that?
Thanks @stephenwaite I deployed that file in OpenEMR 5.0.2 (patch 3) on Debian; cleared the entry in standardized_tables_track; did Administration > Other > External Data Loads > RxNorm > Install and appeared to install OK:
“Installed Release
Revision: Standard
Release Date: 2020-07-06”
Administration > Lists > Code Types: RXCUI is automatically enabled for “Drug”
Administration > Lists > Code Types: RXCUI says “External: No” and there is no Rx to choose from in the drop-down list.
We’re considering loading RxNorm, but not sure if it will work based on what we’re seeing here. Can someone please post a status update? (we run oemr v5.0.2(4) on Ubuntu 18.04)
first go to Administration->Lists and choose Code Types and set RXCUI active
then go to Administration->Other->Native Data Loads and follow the instructions there to grab the file and then upload and install it
should now be able to add a medication by rxcui
As per what Stephen says above, there is a completely different method now in OpenEMR 5.0.2 Patch 4 of installing RxNorm. Now we use Administration > Other > Native Data Loads and not Administration > Other > External Data Loads; although the latter is still present.
Also, the instructions within OpenEMR now say to use the “Current Prescribable Content Monthly Release” where previously we used “RxNorm Full Monthly Release”.
The OpenEMR 5.0.2 Patch 4 release documentation only said “RxNorm import fixes”. Also note that the “Import RxNorm and SNOMED Tables” page at still says to “Copy the zipped RxNorm database file into the ‘contrib/rxnorm’ directory … note you’ll need to get an account and that only the Full Monthly Releases currently work … In OpenEMR, go to Administration->Other->RxNorm in order to then install/upgrade the RxNorm database.” None of that now appears to be true.
On first installation using Administration > Other > Native Data Loads, I received this issue:
“POST Content-Length of 70740105 [70 MB] bytes exceeds the limit of 31457280 [30 MB] bytes in Unknown on line 0, referer: …/interface/super/load_codes.php”
I fixed this by increasing php.ini’s “post_max_size” from 30M to 80M.
I then used Administration > Other > Native Data Loads to upload again and got this so-called confirmation of success:
“LOAD SUCCESSFUL. Codes inserted: 0, replaced: 0”
However RxNorm still wasn’t available.
Administration > Other > External Data Loads still lists the prior installation of RxNorm:
“Installed Release
Revision: Standard
Release Date: 2020-07-06”
I removed the record of that old installation using the following:
DELETE FROM standardized_tables_track WHERE name=“RXNORM”;
I installed RxNorm again using Administration > Other > Native Data Loads and got this confirmation of success:
“LOAD SUCCESSFUL. Codes inserted: 139890, replaced: 0”
Which looks more positive. And indeed RxNorm now appears to work fine.