innocuous wrote on Friday, December 02, 2005:
We want to use OpenEMR for our health maintenance organisation which is a group of 200 doctors managing the health of appx 1,000,000 families.
We are very pleased with OpenEMR features and its ability of capture patient data.
However we find it lacking in two areas:
1) Drug drug interaction check
2) Clinical decision support sytem
1) A drug drug interaction check is vital to the concept of managed healthcare. Can OpenEMR be programmed to allow this feature? If yes, can someone guide us?
2) Again, to improve healthcare and to cut down or errors by the doctors, a clinical decision support system which checks tha patient stats, demograhics, medication and conditions, and checks them against the medication being prescribed will be highly useful.
If it finds any conflict, it should flash an alert on the GP’s screen. The rules for checking the same can be coded into a database.
If these two features can be added, we feel OpenEMr will be among the best EHR out there.
Any help in getting these implemented will be highly appreciated.