Data transfer from Medisoft

sraj49 wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:

I am helping impirt of data base from Medisoft to openemr. Has anyone done that? I wouls appreciate if someone who has gone through the steps help me out.

While on this, I was looking at Insurance data related tables. I am not able to find the address of insurance companies in any of the insurance related tables in the root. Where do I find them? While most of the table have the address listed under the same table like for instance paient_data why insurance_companies does not contain the address fields…Am I missing something here?



anonymous wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:


We actually just finished an import project for a client from Medisoft v14 to OpenEMR v3.1.0. The insurance data is located in the MWINS table within the Advantage Database for Medisoft. The address information for the insurance companies is located in the addresses table and the phone contact information is in the phone_numbers table within the MySQL database for OpenEMR.

For this client we imported the Patient Demographics and Insurance Information without tying the two together since they had a low budget. But it’s possible to tie all the information together upon import.

To explain how to do this is beyond email as it would probably be a whole manual. If you do not know how to navigate through the Medisoft Database and/or the OpenEMR database I suggest you hire a support company to do this for you.

EHR Live

sraj49 wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:

Thanks Chris. Do you know of a company who can do this? I have already got the patient demographics , Insurance data, provder data and calims details. For instance if I take Insurance data from Medisoft I got a single database with all fields viz. Name, addree, EMC Payor Number etc… But split the data into three parts into Name ( Insurance _companies Table), Addresses ( Address Table by liking to the foriegn ID created under insurance_companies) and Phone number ( Phone_numbers table) . Is this the way it goes. FOr other parameters like facilities, patient data etc…we have the address and phone numbers in the same table.

anonymous wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:


We do these sort of projects as well as other companies located at under commercial support. If you are interested you can contact me, I believe we have spoken before a while back.

Yes, you pretty much have the concept down… just make sure you do your homework and work out a proper schema mapping so that you know how you are going to plan it out if you are going to do it yourself.

EHR Live

sraj49 wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:

Hey Chris, I appreciate your kind response. WHat is the best number I can reach you. My email id is ;

Incidentally where do I locate all the id’s and how they are generated…. is it tablewise or it common for many attributes?


anonymous wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:


I am going to post the answer to your question here so that it may help others.

The ID’s have to be re-generated upon import, since they do not follow the same format as in OpenEMR’s database.

EHR Live

sraj49 wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:

Thanks Chris. I imported the name of the insurance company into the table but for some reason it did not auto generate the id. I made a sample entry with an id and gave the nest id in the address table and realted to the foreign id. Eg. Assinged id = 1 for AARP and inserted the company details in the insurance_companies. Then clicked on addressses table assigned id =2 entered the address and relted that to foreign id=1. After doing this when I log in to the site I do not see the insurance company under Admin -> Practice. Am I doing something wrong.

Yes your clarification will help everyone. Thanks


sraj49 wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:


Dont bother about the problem I mentioned related to the company not appearing under Admin->practice. It was my mistake. I put the foreign ID wrongly….lol…typo error.


anonymous wrote on Saturday, January 30, 2010:


Just to clarify you have to generate the ID’s within your import script.

EHR Live

van2010 wrote on Sunday, February 07, 2010:

Raj and Chris,

I’m a new to OpenEMR and currently use Medisoft.  I would like to know if you can help me import the data from Medisoft to Open EMR?  This will save me so much time.  My email: if you can let me know in detail.  Thanks in advance

jwallace00 wrote on Friday, September 24, 2010:


Did you ever get this working or find a pre-existing solution?

tmccormi wrote on Friday, September 24, 2010:

I’ve done this myself.  But I use a mixture of manual steps and scripts.  Medisoft has separate databases/tables for each provider in use so there was a lot of redundant (but not quite the same) patient data that had to be merged and cleaned up.

sraj49 wrote on Friday, September 24, 2010:

Yes. The clinic is functional since mMarch 2010. I handled it myself like Tony. Had to import records related to12000  patients.

zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, September 24, 2010:

We have been able to do this very efficiently and transferred a few Medisoft databases.  Unfortunately the software we use is proprietor y i.e bought it from a vendor and cannot be shared.  We would have to charge for this: sorry.

What we do is, use this software to convert to a software that we were using previously and then convert that to OpenEMR.  It works great: transactions and data. All in a days work.

jcahn2 wrote on Friday, September 24, 2010:

What is your ballpark charge for 15000 records?

zhhealthcare wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:

I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to quote for services.  If anybody has any objections to this please let me know.

We transfer data from most any database with ODBC connectivity into openEMR. 
We are proficient in conversions from : 

**Version of the software matters.

Usually we charge or a flat fee of $1500.   For OpenEMR consultants and support personnel we can negotiate a lower rate.


zhhealthcare wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:

Oh, one more thing.   For our billing clients i.e for whom we do the billing and collections, this service is offered free.  :slight_smile:


jcahn2 wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:

Thank you Sam.  I hope no one is offended by dollars and cents talk.  I suppose it could be construed as advertising, but I suspect there are others browsing here who need more information on the feasibility of transferring from commercial software.

zhhealthcare wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:

Well, we are committed to bring in as many people into openEMR as possible and anything that can be done for that to happen will be done.

sraj49 wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:


Based on experience with mograting data from Medisoft it is possible. I have helped a couple of friends to migrate. Please feel free to get in touch with me and I can guide you.
