Data transfer from Medisoft

cverk wrote on Saturday, September 25, 2010:

I have done this from an old dos version 4 of Medisoft by exporting data files out in text format and manipulating them into proper order with excel, then exporting as CVS to import into Open EMR.  It was a major pain, and probably worth the amounts they quote here.

likesalmon wrote on Wednesday, October 27, 2010:

This is more for the experts than the original poster.  Raj, I’m also migrating out of Medisoft - I hired Tony and it was a great choice.  I would not want to do this alone.

For the experts:

Tony ( and I have been working on getting my clinic’s info out of Medisoft v12.  The tables have been a pain to work with, but recently Tony came up with the brilliant idea of generating a custom report for patient demographics that could be imported via a script into OpenEMR. 

Custom reports are created by going to Reports > Design Custom Reports and Bills.  Custom reports are saved (in v12 at least) in C://Medidata/clinicianname/UReports as .mre files.  If you create a report in Medisoft you can use import it to other clinicians by finding out which .mre file the report is saved as (mine was named MrLis4.mre) and copying it to the UReports folder in C://Medidata/otherclinician/UReports.

Once you create a report, it will show up under Reports > Custom Reports List.  Select the report you want and choose “Export the report to a file”.  This will create a .txt file of the finished report.

The Medisoft report creator is pretty limited so I’m not sure I’ll get anything but demographics this way.  If you want to save yourself some serious pain, contact me and I’ll send you the report I created.


jcahn2 wrote on Friday, February 04, 2011:

This question for anyone who has made the Medisoft -> OEMR conversion.  Have you been able to abandon Medisoft completely and transfer all necessary information to complete all of your accounts receivables billings?   Or did you bill from OEMR for the new post conversion charges and continue to use Medisoft until the old AR was paid down to Bad Debts ( say 4 to 6 months)?
Jack Cahn

likesalmon wrote on Friday, February 04, 2011:

Hi Jack,

Our clinic wasn’t able to transfer balances to OEMR.  I’m sure its possible, but Medisoft tables are such a mess we decided against it.  We are keeping a Medisoft workstation around for patient balances for the foreseeable future.

tmccormi wrote on Friday, February 04, 2011:

The one we are doing for a customer opted for a balance forward conversion, but they plan on running the current billing process until it’s clear on Medisoft and run new billing on OpenEMR…

zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, February 04, 2011:


For our clients we have been able to completely abandon Medisoft and move on. 


bnpmunoz wrote on Thursday, April 26, 2012:

Hi I am currently attempting to export Medisoft Data and was wondering in which table are the patients linked to their insurance company. I exported MWPAT and got all the patients and the only thing that is remotely close to linking patient with insurance is the Patient ID #2 column but that doesnt really match up with the Insurance information from thw MWINS table. Any ideas? Or does anyone need clarification in the question?

pfwilliams wrote on Monday, June 04, 2012:

Hello all!  I just registered here 10 minutes ago and I already get to contribute :wink:
I’ve been looking into OpenEMR for all of 1 day, but am considering it to be our Medisoft (v17 SP3.1) replacement.
I’ve a lot of up-front planning to do, but I do expoect to be donating some utilities in the future (written in either C++ or VBasic) to assist with direct Medisoft/OpenEMR conversions. 

Regarding the prior post.  Since patient insurance can change, and it is desirable to maintain this history, Medisoft stores insurer data at the case level.  So, you would link the patient table (MWPAT) to the case table (MWCAS) using  and then reference the MWCAS columns: ,  ,  and .

I’d have to disagree with an earleir statement in this thread. Medisoft does not maintain separate databases or patient data for each provider. Multiple providers are integrated within one database.  I believe the person meany to say “practice” rather than “provider” as the ADS databases are at the practice level, and converting multiple practices into a single OpenEMR database could encounter redundant data that would require careful merging.

tmccormi wrote on Monday, June 04, 2012:

The conversion was a older version of Medisoft and the customer may have set up each provider in a separate practice, not sure as it was a while back.  In any case it WAS a mess to deal with the duplicated patient records.  Which is why we decided to use a custom report instead of the raw data in the end.

Please consider using Perl, or PHP for contributions of code if at all possible, but failing that, make sure you consider the Linux user base in any tools you write if you can.  There will still be audience for whatever you contribute, not matter what it is, so these are just suggestions.  Maybe VB would work under mono?  C++ certainly will work for linux.
