The biggest change in the formatting is the addition of 8 more diagnoses on the form for a total of 12 and the use of letters instead of numbers for diagnosis pointers. There is also a new indicator field to specify if you are using ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes.
This isn’t a terribly difficult task, but it will attention to detail.
NUCC’s original plan was to accept both formats from June 1 - October 1, 2013, but given the delay in the final approval process a new timeline for the transition process hasn’t been determined yet.
So if you printing CMS 1500 forms for your billing purposes, please consider making a contribution to this effort.
There are only 19 days left in this campaign. I haven’t been pushing it because there doesn’t seem to be much interest. My original thought was that it might be easier to convince people to contribute once the final deadlines for the transition were determined. However, catincan will waive some of the transaction fees for this project and future proposals if it gets funded sooner.
Even if the majority of your claims are electronic, there is always one or two pesky claim which must be submitted via paper; therefore all practices, in the United States, using OpenEMR have a stake in this project.
Kevin has been like the calvalry, riding to the rescue, whenever we are at an impasse.
There had been two offices offering monetary support, on their own initiative, for the Greasemonkey fix and more than that which rely on it for their prescribing.
If the wallet had been opened for Greasemonkey, keep it open for this project. If you need the money to feed the children/grandchildren; please take care of them first (tongue in cheek).
The pledges are now at 51%. If 9 practices pledge $50 and a 10th pledges $35, the goal will be reached. Is this not a good time to give back?
January 6, 2014:
Private insurance carriers and Medicare begin receiving and processing paper claims submitted on the revised CMS-1500 claim form (02/12).
January 6 – March 31, 2014:
Dual-use period during which private insurance carriers and Medicare continue to receive and process paper claims submitted on either version of the form.
April 1, 2014:
The current claim form (08/05) is discontinued; all private insurance carriers and Medicare receives and processes paper claims submitted only on the revised CMS-1500 claim form (02/12).
My code will be ready well before those deadlines.
The primary new change (12 diagnosis pointers) and A-L instead of 1-4 has been addressed.
A number of fields from the old form have been deleted and are now “Reserved for NUCC Use.”
Other changes include qualifiers for the type of date in Boxes 14 and 15.
A change for box 11b from “Employer’s name or school” to “Other Claim ID” was also made. I will be updating the Misc_Billing_Options form to handle these updates.
Not quite done yet, but certainly on target to be ready for the transition period in January 2014.
On the old form, box 31 prints with “Signature on file” and no date.
Adding service date is desired but it is in YYMMDD format, which is unacceptable to our local Medicare carrier.
How can the service date, in MMDDYY format, be achieved?
I added two new globals for the form.
The first controls what text to print in Box 31. “Signature on file” which is the current default, “Firstname Lastname” of the provider, or “None” in case people want to print out the form and put a real signature on the page.
The second controls a date to be printed in Box 31. Options are.