Has anyone configured OpenEMR as a therapy practice management system? The problem I see in doing this is that Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists need 3 levels in the treatment hierarchy: patient - plan of care - visit, rather than the traditional 2 levels needed by a doctors office: patient - visit. A therapy patient can have 2 or more parallel “plans of care” and each plan of care can then have its own series of visits. In OpenEMR you select a patient then build an encounter (visit) to which you attach vitals, procedures, SOAPs, billing, etc. We would like to select a patient, build a plan of care, then build the encounter under that plan of care. How can you do this with the public version of OpenEMR.
Thank you. I checked out the CAMOS module. That would work to clone previous SOAPs and provide a nice way to complete a visit. NationNotes are going to be helpful too. But I still need a good way to link the plan of care information from an evaluation visit to a series of therapy visits. I’ve been trying the new tools in the LBV forms using “visit” as as the source for other data fields. It is also very useful to set the option to paste data from the previous visit to clone key fields in a followup session.
But I would still be interested in knowing if others are using OpenEMR to manage a Speech Therapy or Physical Therapy practice where you need to create multiple short and long term goals in a plan of care and carrying them forward to be addressed in weekly sessions over the course of several months. I would be willing to share what I have been learning setting up our practice.
We ended up building a whole new care plan module that is simular to what you are saying I believe. The care plan module allows for the patient to be seen over multiple visites and tracks the visits on a single page. A picture is worth a thousand words..
Thanks Terry, there has been two months of work so far on this and it is still growing cause they keep adding features as we go as most project progress this same way. The form auto loads the previous encounter data. It auto adds upto 5 lines where the ICD codes go. And the family, social and medical history is pulled from into the form also.
The print out is an exact copy of the form so there are no surprises.
This is fantastic as it addresses a major concern with the use of OpenEMR for “traditional” non-technical medical practitioners. Its like a dashboard of the care a patient is having and the practitioner can move from it to a specific part of the application and come back to the “dashboard”, especially in managing patients with chronic illnesses.
Hope when it is fully developed, it would be available for sharing with those who may want to try it out in their institions.
The levels are actually this:
Treatment Plan
Progress Notes
This is the standard disease management, project management or any other work process management system out there. It doesn’t matter if it is therapy, critical care, or a landscaping project. Process management is the same for all industries, crafts or arts.
If you would like to see examples of forms that allow you to 1. Assess a client; 2. Create/review/approve a treatment plan that draws data from the assessment; 3. Write progress notes that are linked to Goals and Objectives outlined in the Treatment Plan, then you can look at the following files: http://starfrontiers.org/oemr/examples/assessment.oxps http://starfrontiers.org/oemr/examples/Plan.oxps http://starfrontiers.org/oemr/examples/note.oxps
With what program do I read OXPS files? I have a converter, but would like to avoid this step. Looks like logical, clear and sound way of approach, open for additional information if needed…
This does look great! I think it might just work for any type of care management. Your examples are for mental health therapy but the same format would work for speech language therapy. As Art said, it is like any type of project management. I assume the forms pull from the “Lists” in OpenEMR so they can be modified for the appropriate type of practice?
One thing I was not clear about was if the Care Plan was created in a particular encounter with multiple Goals and Objectives, will each of those goals be available in followup encounters with that patient to be tested with a particular therapy activity? As therapy sessions progress over a time frame is there a graphable field that can display the progress?
The care plan works much like the idea behind CAMOS. When new encounter is opened. The entire care plan is pulled into the new encounter. So, rows of data can be deleted or amended as the goals and objectives are met and it creates a running history of what the patient was seen for at each encounter like with any other encounter based document in the system. So the physician can go back two encounters and see what the care plan was at that time.
I hope this answers your question. But if I missed it let me know and I will try again.
I have moved the code over to the demo site. The login credentials are on
the front page.
Please test drive the code. This is where I am building the patch. It is
missing some things and it would be nice to get a sponsor or two.
Man, Sherwin, this is really important- you’ve added a whole new branch of healthcare to OpenEMR’s capabilities! I’ll be playing with your demo, for sure.
Dang good work!
Thanks Harley.
I have a few more things to clean up to make the patch ready for use.
As Brady said it doesn’t have to be perfect code just work. It will be worked on over time and build out into something even more usable.
Download the patch and unzip. Merge files into OpenEMR folder.
Run sql_upgrade.php to update database.
Go to Globals->Documents to enable care plan.
Care Plan button should appear at the top of the screen and on the patients demographics screen.