(Dava Muserallo)
August 16, 2022, 6:21pm
I am having issues with adding categories in the calendar. I’m pretty sure I am doing it correctly (see below). This is what I filled out.
This is the error that I get.
Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong or if there is a bug? I’m trying to add calendar categories so that it can assist with CPT coding for the billing process. I’m also going to post this to the community!
We are using Version Number 7.0.0-dev
(Dava Muserallo)
August 16, 2022, 6:23pm
Not sure how to share an image.
should be an up arrow above the text box
August 17, 2022, 3:29pm
This resembles a bug discussed in this thread from OpenEMR 6:
Hi Folks-
I’m looking at what appears to be a malfunction in the Calendar Categories (Administration/Clinic/ Calendar - Categories) but there is a way to make it work so is it really a bug?
In the Calendar Categories, say I want to change the duration hours and/ or minutes.
If I just do that and hit ‘Save’, in v6.0.0 (3) I see the prompt, ‘You Sure?’
If yes, the Categories screen reappears with the duration changed.
[02 caryes]
In a 6.1.0-dev instance, I see:
[04 catHMSNum]
and the cate…
Luckily the fix is just a case of entering ‘0’ in a couple text areas.
If that’s what the problem is.
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(Dava Muserallo)
August 17, 2022, 3:38pm
Harley, that did the trick! Even though it wasn’t a recurring event I still needed to enter 0 into the field.
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August 17, 2022, 3:43pm
That’s good to hear, Dava, glad it worked for you.
Best- Harley