Hi Folks-
I’m looking at what appears to be a malfunction in the Calendar Categories (Administration/Clinic/ Calendar - Categories) but there is a way to make it work so is it really a bug?
In the Calendar Categories, say I want to change the duration hours and/ or minutes.
If I just do that and hit ‘Save’, in v6.0.0 (3) I see the prompt, ‘You Sure?’
If yes, the Categories screen reappears with the duration changed.
In a 6.1.0-dev instance, I see:
and the categories screen returns with the intended category’s durations back to ‘0’. Evidently, all those fields are blanked on any error, so not until all the areas circled here (below) are complete will it consent to make the change.
Even if the ‘repeat’ and ‘every _ months’ and ‘end date’ options are deselected, it still needs a 0 in those text areas.
Then it will give satisfaction and the duration times will change as desired.