4.1.2 Release Planning

blankev wrote on Sunday, August 19, 2012:

In calendar putting the pointer on name of patient it shows as:

Name patient
(Click to view)

a double show of age and DOB

blankev wrote on Sunday, August 19, 2012:

And again sorry (double AGE and DOB), this shows in the Demo version 4.1.0 and not in the Daily release version. So I suppose it is corrected!

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 21, 2012:

Hi Pimm,
The >= 50 will be a tough bug fix. Involves the function getLabel(), which calls generate_display_field() on the title that is displayed, which is escaped for html output. This would be ok if this string went directly to html output; the problem is that it is getting populated via a javascript/ajax call. This fix will require a bit of careful analysis to figure out the best way to deal with this.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 21, 2012:

If anybody want to begin fixing/analyzing above bug, here’s the script with the getLabel() function:

blankev wrote on Tuesday, August 21, 2012:

Are you sure we are talking about the same issue?

I see in translations table:

Patients >= 50

I see this also in OpenEMR for release 4.2 Demo in Administration as &gt,=  WHAT means** >= **greater or equal to

if you are correct than this little part might be a variable, and should as such be corrected in the Google translation document. In Dutch I can translate this little part >= as  ouder dan 50. Without having problems. This means that it could be corrected in Google translation in standard English into older than 50 and should be accepted.

I can imagin why any calculation issue might use **&gt    AND/OR   =    but I can’t see why in reading it can’t be corrected into    ** >=      as is the scientific notation in real life.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, August 21, 2012:

See Google translation sheet row 2346

it is correct in translation sheet (English), but it does show incorrect in Demo version 4.1.1 ready for 4.1.2

Administration Alerts Title line 11

And tnx for the translation update, because I can see my translation does change it to readable language for doctors and not for programmers readable language.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Hi Pimm,

It’s a rather technical issue that is rather buried in the code. Basically, < and > are dangerous characters when placed in web pages (they are used for cross-scripting attacks), so any strings that get outputted to the screen are supposed to be escaped via a php htmlspecialchars() function(convert > to gt;). This works perfectly fine when we escape the string and output it to the screen with the html because it gets converted on the screen to > (which is why it looks fine almost everywhere). However in the case of the gt; showing, the issue is that the escaped string is actually passed via ajax/javascript and does not get converted back, which is why it shows the funny characters. We will need to add a parameter to a function buried deep in the code to allow requesting of unescaped strings (this is going to be quite a bit of work with rather minimal benefit, so way down on the list of priorities; but it does need to be done at some point). Sorry for the technical dribble.

Thanks for the testing/reporting and please keep at it.


blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Tnx a lot for the clear explanation! Next time I will bring this up, please refer me again back to this answer. Aggreed, It is a minor issue, it seem easy to correct, but hard to do, as I understand. Most administrators will have no problem with this** &gr; **sign.

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

One easy fix would be to change the wording from symbols to text ie:  Patients older than 50 …

blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Tony, I am not a programmer and even worse i don’t get the GIT stuff. Can you make this change for release 4.1.2? Would be nice to see.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:


Wordage was taken from the official CQM rules handout (note they use the ≥ symbol). I suppose using the ≥ symbol would be ideal, but UTF8 symbols in files can easily be corrupted when a user edits/views a file in a text editor (if text editor default saves to latin encoding rather than UTF8). If change to text note is is not “older than 50” but is older than or equal to 50 (not sure of best way to phrase this).

Note this still doesn’t solve the escaping issue(needs to be dealt with at some point), which I placed an entry on the Active Projects page here:


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

How about Patient is 50 yrs or older

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Influenza Immunization for Patients that are 50 Years or Older


blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Influenza Immunization for Patients of 50 yrs and more

blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 22, 2012:

Influenza Immunization for Patients of &gt; = 50 years

As is done in some places like:
Any part of the patient name, or “last,first”, or “X-Y”     to show        “last,first”, or “X-Y”

blankev wrote on Thursday, August 23, 2012:

I changed in the Daily Demo version 4.1.2 of today the words into:

**Influenza Immunization for patients 50 yrs and older (Passive Alert) **

And this also changes the words for ALERTS

Might be an option for the new release? Editing with &gt; = did not give a solution, probably will work in HTML editing. Or anybody with the same problem can do this in 2 seconds him/herself with administrationrights:

Goto  Administration => Rules

No problems for translated languages, they show the translation.

blankev wrote on Thursday, August 23, 2012:

Minor change:

I tried to create a new patient record.** Forgot to input gender.** Than Create new patient button does not work. But search for did, but no results were shown… no client visible with or without that specific name. Click for gender MALE brought the solution.

Although the word SEX: is in brown, it did not give me an alert that I was forgetting something. DOB if not entered does give a reasonable RED alert, I suppose just a matter of Copy=>  Paste for the specific field check?

bradymiller wrote on Monday, August 27, 2012:

Hi Pimm,

Agreed that an alert message needs to also be thrown up. Placed this bug here(along with where in the code the fix likely needs to happen): http://open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/QA/Release_Process#Low_Priority


bradymiller wrote on Monday, August 27, 2012:


Planning for OpenEMR 4.1.1 to be released either this weekend or the following weekend. There are currently no High Priority tickets (ie. showstoppers):

So, please extensively both the online demo and the daily build (both new installs and upgrades). Also, for the daily builds, note there are now instructions specifically for 4.1.1 for install/upgrade in Windows/Linux:
(feel free to report bugs here)


yehster wrote on Monday, August 27, 2012:

There is still a pretty significant calendar bug.
I just tested this on http://demo.open-emr.org:2101/openemr/interface/main/main_screen.php?auth=login&site=default

After you have a patient created in the system, go to the calendar.  Click on an empty slot, specify a patient and hit save.

Popup comes up:

This appointment slot is already used, use it anyway?

Even though the slot is clearly empty.