4.1.2 Release Planning

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 16, 2012:

Hi Craig,
I committed the prescription code (looks good and tests well) to sourceforge.
thanks for the contribution,

doggmd wrote on Tuesday, June 26, 2012:

I would like to try the new prescription code.  What is the procedure to adding it to a Windows version of OpenEMR? Just replacing the three files in their directories and running OpenEMR does not seem to work.  What is the correct procedure for applying the new prescription code.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 26, 2012:


I think a making a patch would be the way to go. If you have a git/github OpenEMR repo, then can do:

The way to do this would be to cherry-pick the commit to the rel-410 branch (first, reset the rel-410 branch to the last commit from whatever 4.1.0 patch you are at). Then you could copy these files over and should work.


doggmd wrote on Tuesday, June 26, 2012:

Thanks brady .  I will look into the git/github process.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 03, 2012:


As promised above, it is now time for myself to begin begging for developers/users to help with fixing bugs/issues for the impending OpenEMR 4.1.1 release:

There are now 14 “Tickets/Issues” pending that are awaiting anybody to work on (the ones with ??? in red next to them).

We are also getting very close to a code freeze.


avantsys wrote on Thursday, July 05, 2012:

I think now’s a good time to start thinking about an extensive refactoring of the codebase. I’ve seen files where you have PHP, CSS, Javascript, MySQL and jQuery. And there are many occasions where customizations in one area break things in another - or, even worse, others.

By the way, we’ve implemented an existing Greek translation of ICD10. It was a bit of a pain to get right, but it works. We’re looking to enhance the ICD10/SNOMED/ICD9/DSM-IV’s integration to OpenEMR (and, of course, our own implementation of it) by incorporating an autocomplete function in the search box (so that the doctor wil be presented with suggestions as s/he types something - that way, the system is more likely to give the desired seach results) and making the application take the diagnosis title from the ICD10 diagnosis and enter it in the appropriate field automatically.

As for the whole Clinical Decision Support module, I’m quite close to giving it my undivided personal attention, as decision support is my main scientific interest.


fndtn357 wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

I checked this and it looks like someone else added the few leftover TYPE= to ENGINE= conversions (?) I’ll check it again.
MySQL 5.5 compatibility >> Still may be some places where TYPE= needs to be changed to ENGINE= (James)


bradymiller wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

Hi James,
Just let me know; I think somebody pointed out some issues maybe in some of the upgrade scripts -> sql/4_1_0… .

bradymiller wrote on Friday, July 06, 2012:

Hi Konstantinos,

Regarding refactoring, likely not gonna happen before the next release :slight_smile: (ie. suggest making another thread for this topic)

Regarding Greek ICD10, goal is to allow user to import any language ICD10 (or other codes) set. Very soon will have a nice way to import the CMS ICD10 (US centric) code set, which should then be easily broadened to support language specific codesets. Also in process of modularizing the searching mechanism, so should be straightforward to upgrade the searching mechanism to your liking: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202506/topic/5170598

Regarding clinical decision stuff, a good place to start is fixing the bugs regarding this in “tickets” that need to be fixed for the release:
tickets titles are:
-CDR engine gui rules editor bug (when adding an interval to a target of a rule, the include_flag is being set to 0 (should be set to 1) )
-4 other CDR engine gui rules editor bugs reported in post 5 of following thread

Fixing those bugs are a good entry point into learning about the CDR engine.
In addition, here a couple features that would be helpful to add to the CDR engine gui (these are a bit more complicated than the simple bug fixes above):


avantsys wrote on Friday, July 13, 2012:

We’ve added the updates described in posts 19 and 20 to fix the issue with the columns. However, the problem still remains in the prescriptions (the labels are to the left of their corresponding columns). Perhaps some further clarifications or improvements regarding this matter. Have a look:

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 14, 2012:

Hi avantsys,

I suggest checking your code again to ensure you brought the fix in, since this is now working fine on the development demo:


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 28, 2012:


Time to move on to the next phase of the release for OpenEMR 4.1.1 (ie. the testing and bug fixing stage). There is now a github branch rel-411 (master is now version 4.1.2-dev), which holds version 4.1.1-dev.

To help with testing, there is a development demo for OpenEMR 4.1.1-dev here:

And there are OpenEMR 4.1.1-dev zip/tar packages that are built daily here:

Links to these tools, progress of the release and bugs(tickets) that still need to be fixed are tracked here:

And if your curious, can see the steps of a release process here:
(we have completed steps 1 and 2 so far)

There are still many bugs/tickets that need to be dealt with, which will require work from several people to finish. Mac, this would be a good thing to get scrum (on pivotaltracker) going with, if you think it will help us get these tickets finished up.


mcaloon wrote on Sunday, July 29, 2012:

   I took Brady’s QA release page from the wiki and added the bugs into the Pivotal Tracker scrum.  Anyone that is ready to get started on the release bug fixing / testing please join the public scrum for the openEMR project on Pivotal Tracker at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/602367 if you don’t have a free Pivotal Tracker login the go here https://www.pivotaltracker.com to set that up then go to the project and join.

There are current 9 bugs that are unassigned.


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 02, 2012:


Cranked through some small bugs today. Only 5 open high priority tickets left; there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel… Looks like the release is really going to happen in the last week of August or first week of September:

Tony, have a rough ETA on the User Manual?


mcaloon wrote on Wednesday, August 08, 2012:

     I have verified that the snomed load continues to work correctly on the Mac OS X platform running MySQL 5.5.22. Assuming that other UNIX platforms will behave accordingly. Can someone validate that the snomed load is working on the Windows platform?


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 09, 2012:

Verified that snomed load works on MySQL 5.5.25 on windows (using xampp 1.8.0). So, that ticket is now done. Here’s the current listing:
(note haven’t been keeping the pivotaltracker thing updated at all; just to much work to keep both updated)

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 09, 2012:


Two more bug fixes; feel free to review them here (plan to commit them tomorrow):

1. Multisite module bug fixes (now maintains the site id in both openemr and the patient portal after logout or if enter wrong credentials):

2. Remove magic quote settings from recs and ubuntu/debian package (in php 4.4 version setting magic quotes to on actually causes an error when starting up apache in xampp since it is no longer supported):


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 18, 2012:


We are likely headed towards the release of 4.1.1 in about 2-3 weeks. Please start testing the online version and the daily packages (both installs and upgrades), which are linked here:


blankev wrote on Sunday, August 19, 2012:

In Demo 4.1.0 Administration => RULES I find the following sentence:

Influenza Immunization for Patients >= 50 Years Old

In translation tables it reads as:

Influenza Immunization for patients => 50 Years Old

most probably due to a lack of backslashes?

blankev wrote on Sunday, August 19, 2012:

Sorry, not in RULES but in Alerts table line 11