Although I agree this is a bug, I think its significance is lessened by the fact that it doesn’t happen if the time slot is within the IN/OUT time period for the physician on the schedule. i’ll place it as a low priority ticket for now, but think this needs some additional testing, especially to ensure the find available time slots is working.
Gonna finalize the Acknowledgments page soon, so if you want to be acknowledged, either let me know( or place your info on the following wiki page:
(To be acknowledge all you have to do is expend energy/time/resources towards OpenEMR, such as coding, testing, helping out on forums, donating money, donating code, translating, etc.)
just an update, on my local system, I get the popup with
This appointment slot is already used, use it anyway?
even if it is in the provider’s IN/OUT time (this doesn’t happen on the online test version so maybe I just got a slightly older one, otherwise really looking stable
Regarding the appointment bug, not seeing the message my testing environments when within the IN/OUT template of a physician.(tested on online demos, ubuntu 10.04 server and xampp 1.8.0 (most recent xampp, so unlikely secondary to newer php/sql versions). If this is the case, then the bug fix, should just change the error message when appt is outside the template (something like ‘This appointment slot is not in the provider’s scheduling template. Use it anyway?’)
The release is going to be 4.1.1 (the forum name is incorrect, however, now we can use this same forum when working on the next 4.1.2 release )
In the release notes, things to consider:
Are Reminders a new feature?
What is ‘Image support for click and add a note information’?
The upgrading multisite module feature is specific to the ubuntu package.
I suppose you did set all things back to as it was before?
Image click an add, note is referral to the Graphic Pain Map.
This can also be used for other image pointing of the body than just pain.
Reminders is not as such a new feature, but Dated Reminders just did not cover enough when speaking about reminders in my thoughts about OpenEMR.
Hi Pimm,
Kept most of your changes with some modifications (yanked the image support for click stuff since this was a new feature in 4.1.0); I basically sleuth through the entire repo log to ensure collect only the new features in the release.
Can we include the Graphic Pain Form in the Database during installation of the 4.1.1 version? I would suggest to include it under the option of Clinical. It is mentioned in the updates for 4.1.0 as release feature. So why not make it available from start in the new 4.1.1 version. Facilities working with pain complaints can use this as an extra, as soon as a client presents with pain. It is easy to understand and gives a great picture for localization and severity of the pain on a certain date.
It is included, it’s just not enabled by default. I would be in favor of it being enabled as well, All my users want it turned on (except the opthamologists) …
There seems to be a minor bug in the Graphic Pain Map. After saving (not in edit mode!) the pain map, clicking the red square removes the red square, but it will show again in Edit of the same Graphic Pain Map. After closing the form and re opening the form, the red squares do show again.
If opening a second of Graphic Pain Map, on the same day, ( I have no other option in Demo version), it gives the results in upper and lower picture, but the red squares only show in the first picture. Also the remarks made with the second Graphic Pain Map show also in the first Map. Intention could have been not to open two graphic Pain Maps in the same encounter.
|Probably need to be placed in the Minor Bug tracking.
Release should happen on Friday or Saturday (need time to test out the packages extensively before the release; may actually be able to release the xampp package at the same time as the others).
I’ll place the grpahic pain map bug in the low priority ticket section (means it will be dealt with in a future patch) and can consider making it installed by default for 4.1.2 in future (making it default involves changes in database code and not safe to do right before a release).