You ALWAYS get more than you give

tmccormi wrote on Monday, September 07, 2015:

This is an excellent and sucinct article about what makes a good open source project and how that can, also, be good products. Two different things. This community hits the marks reasonably well, i’d say.


fsgl wrote on Saturday, September 12, 2015:

Open source was the norm rather than the exception for millenia across cultures. The wheel, agriculture (instead of hunting/gathering), art, music, writing, paper, the scientific method, etc.

It continues to be the norm in non-human species. Adult chimpanzees teach youngsters how to fish for termites & which plants should be eaten to get rid of parasites. Mother otters instruct babies how to crack open clams.

Propriety innovations & patents are but notions of the last several centuries.

Sharing & cooperation contribute to healthy societies to a far greater degree than rugged individualism.

robertovasquez wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2015:

OpenEmr is a Project or Product ?

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, September 23, 2015:

It is both. This community supports the PROJECT and the many vendors take that project and turn it into a PRODUCT. Quite a lot, but not all, of the productization makes it back into the project.

The circle of open source :slight_smile:
