Xmlformgenerator help

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, February 16, 2011:

Can you please help me with the process of generating forms using xml formgenerator??? I am on windows and dont know what actually is needed to generate forms and how to generate forms. Can you please explain in a simple step by step way the process of form generation and what actually is needed as dependencies on windows to generate the forms?? The wiki instruction is not of much help for windows…please help me with this…
Thanks in advance….

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 17, 2011:


You’ll need to install a xslt processor:
(the ‘Installing xsltproc on Windows’ section)

If you get this to work, please document it on the following wiki page:


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, February 17, 2011:

Another option for windows on the page linked above is the ‘Installing xsltproc on Cygwin’ section.

arnabnaha wrote on Thursday, February 17, 2011:

thanks brady!!!

I will install these dependencies by this weekend and update the wiki page.
Dr. Arnab Naha

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 19, 2011:

Hi Brady…

I followed your link and downloaded and installed all the packages as stated in the link for running xsltproc on windows in C:/windows/system32….Now on running command prompt and typing “xsltproc -version” it is showing the version of xslt package installed. according to the link this means that xsltproc has been correctly configured and installed.

But on moving to the C:/xampp/htdocs/openemr/contrib/forms/xmlformgen folder in the command prompt, and then issuing the “make INFILE=communication_log.xml” command says that:
‘make’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

What to do??? what should be the cure for this???
Dr. Arnab Naha

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 19, 2011:


Sorry it didn’t work. You could install the gnu commands for windows ( http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ ), but I think would be better to just try the cygwin route from above page:
is the ‘Installing xsltproc on Cygwin’ section in above link


arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, February 23, 2011:

Hi brady…
Installed cygwin and when i move into the xmlformgen directory by using cd  command and try to run the " make INFILE=communication_log.xml" it returns with an error….
Bash: make:command not found.

What to do with this???

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, February 23, 2011:


Run Cygwin Setup and install the ‘make’ package:


arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 26, 2011:

Hi Brady…
Progress of the work for testing xml formgen for windows….

I installed make command from the cygwin setup, which was found in the devel category of the setup and it was called “automake”

But, on running the command - make INFILE=communication_log.xml, it still reproduces bash: make: command not found…

I tried with automake
automake INFILE=communication_log.xml

System says…

Automake-1.11: no automake input file found for ‘INFILE=communication_log.xml’
Automake-1.11: no input file found among supplied arguments

Please help…

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 26, 2011:

Hi brady…
Installed make…but now a new problem…
on running, " make INFILE=communication_log.xml", the system reproduces the following error now–
make: /usr/bin/xsltproc: command not found
at the end……
/usr/bin/xsltproc xslt/info.txt.xslt communication_log.xml > /info.txt
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/xsltproc: No such file or directory
make: *** Error 127

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 26, 2011:

Hi brady….
Work over….
Just  installed the communication_log.xml form….awesome…
Will update the wiki…about installing/ using xml formgen on windows in a step by step manner…
Thanks a lot…
The links given by you were awesome…will update the links in the wiki too…

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 26, 2011:

Hi Brady…
The wiki has been updated about the information of installing cygwin and using xml formgen in windows.


arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, February 26, 2011:


The correct Link is above…sorry for the previous mistake.

tmccormi wrote on Monday, February 28, 2011:

Just so you know - Brady is very helpful :slight_smile: but Juilia Longtin is the developer of the xmlform tools and she may be able to help you as well.

julialongtin wrote on Friday, March 04, 2011:

The Makefile that drives this tool hard code’s a path to an xslt parser. this path is at the top of the ‘Makefile’ file, for easy editing.

Where is the xsltproc binary installed on your machine? You appear to have make working now, at least.

Julia Longtin