XAMPP version for EMR - 5.0.2. Windows 10

Hi @ncavalier ,
It’s high priority on my TODO list. While waiting, try this:

  1. Reinstall Linux mint
  2. Install docker and docker-composer: https://computingforgeeks.com/install-docker-and-docker-compose-on-linux-mint-19/
  3. Then run following commands:
mkdir testopenemr
cd testopenemr
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/bradymiller/8f8dc5215b07d287f7dc0fed80bf2b9d/raw/9b2a762849bbf8ce0a0d4dff30c4a359cfa88a44/openemr-502-docker-example-docker-compose.yml
mv openemr-502-docker-example-docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Then wait 10 minutes
then go to http://localhost
(you should see the login screen)
(note the cool thing here with docker is that all you install on Linux Mint is Docker and don’t need to worry about dependencies etc.)

If you get it working, let me know, then I’ll walk you through how it worked and where it all is.


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