The following post is a question from Jit at Info ACE Health Solutions (a bug in sourceforge is not allowing him to post):
“Where is the field within OpenEMR (which section and field name ) which is the X12 NM109 field and maps to Medicare loop 1000 using Availity. Tried reading the Wiki, talking to Availity, etc. with no success. Please help urgent matter as Medicare billing is delayed for one month now.”
Jit at ACE Health Solutions is also seeking professional help with this issue and other X12 issues and he can be reached at following email:
The following post is a question from Jit at Info ACE Health Solutions (a
bug in sourceforge is not allowing him to post):
“Where is the field within OpenEMR (which section and field name ) which
is the X12 NM109 field and maps to Medicare loop 1000 using Availity. Tried
reading the Wiki, talking to Availity, etc. with no success. Please help
urgent matter as Medicare billing is delayed for one month now.”
We are using Availity with OpenEMR 4.1.2 (5) We have no issues with our
Medicare claims.
Our gen_X12_837 file is modified for Availity starting at line 120 like
The following post is a question from Jit at Info ACE Health Solutions (a
bug in sourceforge is not allowing him to post):
“Where is the field within OpenEMR (which section and field name ) which
is the X12 NM109 field and maps to Medicare loop 1000 using Availity. Tried
reading the Wiki, talking to Availity, etc. with no success. Please help
urgent matter as Medicare billing is delayed for one month now.”