gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, January 25, 2012:
I had a problem in the past also with office ally and generating x12 files.
See this thread, but ignore code changes, none are required:
the following need to be configured in Admin->practice->x12 Parners->OfficeAlly:
(if office ally is not in the list, it needs to be added)
My officeally info looks like this:
Partner Name Office Ally
ID Number (ETIN) 330897513 Office Ally Tax ID number
Receiver ID Qualifier (ISA07) Mutually Defined
Receiver ID (ISA08) 330897513
Sender ID Qualifier (ISA05) Mutually Defined
Sender ID (ISA06) XXXXXXXXX this is my tax id number
Acknowledgment Requested (ISA14) Yes or no, it works either way for me. Office ally sends acknowledgments anyway
Usage Indicator (ISA15) Production
Application Sender Code (GS02) ZZ
Submitter EDI Access Number (PER06) ZZ
Version 004010X098A1 or 005010X222A1 (it does not matter with office ally. All 4010 claims they receive get automatically converted to 5010.
Processing Format Standard
Openemr pretty much does everything else for you (well at least for me).
My problem back then was actually an upgrade error.
At some point in the database upgrades the x12 partners table was altered by adding additional fields. That particular upgrade failed in my system (due to mysql table type issues and the like). I kept trying to save the information above in openemr, but after saving the page the fields were still blank. Turns out my database x12 table was missing those new fields. Openemr had no place to save the data to. Be sure your database table is complete and that you see the data above.
`id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`id_number` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_sender_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_receiver_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_version` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`processing_format` enum(‘standard’,‘medi-cal’,‘cms’,‘proxymed’) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_isa05` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_isa07` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_isa14` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_isa15` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_gs02` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
`x12_per06` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL,
Finally as mentioned before, all providers and facilities need to be configured appropriately. NPI’s, Taxonomy, tax id numbers, facility type, 9 digit zipcodes for all facility addresses.
Example if patient seen at hospital, then the hospital has to be entered in openemr as a facility with POS code of 21 (hospital location), with full street address, 9 digit zip code, no hyphens, and an NPI number). The hospital needs to be also assigned to the particular encounter, and of course the billing address is where the payment would be sent to, usually the practice main/business address.