can no longer generate x12 after upgrading to v7.0.1. when attempting generate only a white screen loads in the pop-up box that used to have x12.
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version
I’m using: firefox
Operating System
I’m using: osx
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You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All
I had something similar happen when setting up a client to send me claims the other day. For them we checked the box in Configuration->Billing->Generate X-12 Based on Insurance Company
I’m able to duplicate what you describe in the demo servers. with that option un-checked just a white screen is presented. Once I check the option and save it, more information is given.
I have a module “ClaimRev Clearinghouse Connector” it has a simple query of the table EDI files are stored in. I’m not sure if there is a similar report in the system, but it’ll give you some insight on if a file is created and what happened with it.
Hi Brad! Wow, you’re a rock star, that was it. It is working now. We really appreciate you responding back so fast and especially on the weekend. Thanks so much, take care.