Wrong Client

Any one experiencing this issue on 5.0.1?
Entering information for client A. After saving, the info goes to client B.
It does not happen all the time and not sure how to replicate. Seems to be a session issue similar to having 2 OpenEMR open with different clients, but in this case, only 1 OpenEMR running.
Testing on Amazon cloud with load balancer. I have not tested if this issue happens with straight Linux.

Hi @ycharles. How are you running the system? Did you set up that load balancer yourself or our you using OpenEMR Cloud Full Stack?


I set it up myself doing my best to replicate the OpenEMR Full Stack

Hello, ycharles.

Full stack has a lot of moving parts, and not all of them are obvious. For instance, FS uses a backend ElastiCache Redis cluster to handle synchronizing user sessions between the load-balanced worker instances – if you don’t have a similar session store, or it isn’t working properly, you could get bounced between instances and perhaps see behavior similar to what’s being described here.

Thank you for the reply. I suspected this was happening

Thanks for information. Will tell staff to have only one client open at a time to avoid problem if they are experiencing this.
Janet Ward