Workers Comp and other primary Insurance

sraj49 wrote on Monday, October 18, 2010:

We have situations where the billing is done simultaneously to workers comp and also the primary Insurance. OpenEMR allows only one primary. Also there are instances where the patient has two insurances and he chooses to use either of them as primary. Typical is the case where the wife is divorced, has her own as well as coverage through her ex-husband’s insurance. Can any one help in finding a solution to such situations. Ideal would be an option to have two primary s and choose which to bill. The other suggestion is to treat workers comp as a separate category like Primary, Secondary etc….

Any thoughts, suggestions would be highly appreciated…



jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, November 07, 2010:

What if?
What would happen if the
primary insurer was BCBS,
secondary    -      Unassigned,
and tertiary  -       Workers comp?

File Worker’s Comp with tertiary then goes to Private Pay after EOB returned (but usually adjust off unpaid?)
File usual visits with primary BCBS.  When this EOB is entered, (or automatic remittance is inserted) wouldn’t it fall to the secondary - “unassigned” - and also go to Private Pay to generate a patient statement?
Jack Cahn