I think I solved my own problem. I’ll post here to help others, and so users don’t spend time trying to help me.
The error was that the system could not find the correct Visual C++ redistributable. It was looking for version 9.0.21022.8. The system is supposed to redirect this to 9.0.30729.4148, which was installed. There is a suggestion on the Microsoft forum that this redirection (side-by-side) doesn’t work on 64 bit.
The Visual C++ redistributable specifically for 64 bit didn’t work. The 2010 version didn’t work.
The 2008 version (vcredist_x86.exe) size 1,779 KB (1,821,192 bytes) (digital signature Wed, Nov 7, 2007 11:13:01 am) worked. Version 9.0.21022.8
Looks like Apache 32 bit otherwise works on 64 bit.
Just got the opening screen up, but that’s a good sign. Calling it a night.