drpettigrew2 wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2015:
Is OpenEMR fully compatible with Windows !0? Or should I not upgrade yet? Thanks
drpettigrew2 wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2015:
Is OpenEMR fully compatible with Windows !0? Or should I not upgrade yet? Thanks
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2015:
Yes, but this may give you pause.
If you are curious, create a system image of 7 first. Download the Windows 10 Creation Tool, burn the .iso to a flash drive, upgrade from the flash drive & see for yourself. IIS has to be disabled, otherwise Apache can’t use port 80.
If you can’t make up your mind, restore 7 & dual-boot with a clean install of 10 for a side-to-side comparison.
docaltmed wrote on Thursday, August 13, 2015:
This might be of interest: Dr. Avery Jenkins
Also, arstechnica came out with an article today that showed Windows 10 still sends data to MS even with all of the privacy options set.