ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, April 08, 2009:
Any reason why we couldn’t use that same model for the search function in Superbill (currently limited to the number, like we all memorize them)?
I think that “paging” addresses my “arrows” comments about the 100 limit, but I’ll have to await the actual file to see.
On that same note; the distribution still does not list the encounter dates in the Billing module, nor does it show encounter status in the Patient Encounters module.
I have posted code here for both but heard nothing further. They are both huge time savers for us, so I cannot believe others would not like them as well.
I have made the codes work within the latest 3.0.1 release, even enhancing them with color to look better in the new look 
I urge that we change …/billing/billing_report.php from line 524:
$ptname = $name[‘fname’] . " " . $name[‘lname’];
$raw_encounter_date = date(“Y-m-d”, strtotime($iter[‘enc_date’]));
// Add Encounter Date to display with “To Encounter” button 2/17/09 JCH
$lhtml .= “ <span class=bold><font color=’$namecolor’>$ptname” .
“</font></span><span class=small> (” . $iter[‘enc_pid’] . “-” .
$iter[‘enc_encounter’] . “)</span>”;
// Added Encounter Date with smaller label in “To Encounter” button 2/17/09 JCH
$lhtml .= " <a class="link_submit" " .
“href="javascript:window.toencounter(” . $iter[‘enc_pid’] .
“,’” . addslashes($name[‘pubpid’]) .
“’,’” . addslashes($ptname) . “’,” . $iter[‘enc_encounter’] .
“,’$raw_encounter_date’)">[To Enctr – $raw_encounter_date]</a>”;
// Changed “To xxx” buttons to allow room for encounter date display 2/17/09 JCH
$lhtml .= " <a class="link_submit" " .
“href="javascript:window.topatient(” . $iter[‘enc_pid’] .
“)">[To Dems]</a>”;
if ($iter[‘id’]) { // This starts the distribution code 4/6/09 JCH
$lcount += 2;
and in ,/patient_file/history/encounters.php from line 276:
$rawdata = $iter[‘encounter’]."~".$raw_encounter_date;
echo “<tr class=‘encrow text’ id=’”.$rawdata."’ title=‘View encounter $pid.{$iter[‘encounter’]}’>\n";
// This is where we show raw encounter date & start table 2/22/09 JCH
$just = “”; // Make Justify & Billed tags print beneath encounter date 2/22/09 JCH
$jcpt = “CPT4”;
$jtmp = sqlQuery("SELECT justify, bill_date, code_type, activity FROM billing WHERE " .
“pid = ‘$pid’ AND code_type = ‘$jcpt’ AND activity AND encounter = '” . $iter[‘encounter’] . “’”);
if (substr($jtmp[‘code_type’], 0, 3) == “CPT” && !$jtmp[‘justify’]) {
$just = ‘<br><font color=“red”>’ . “* Justify *” . ‘</font><br><br>’; }
if (substr($jtmp[‘code_type’], 0, 3) == “CPT” && strlen($jtmp[‘bill_date’] > 3)) {
$just = ‘<br><font color=“blue”>’ . “1st Billed” . ‘<br>’ . substr($jtmp[‘bill_date’], 0, 10) . ‘</font><br><br>’; }
// show encounter date with Justify or 1st Billed added as applicable from 4/3/09 JCH
echo “<td valign=‘top’>$raw_encounter_date$just</td>\n”;
// The echo line above is current distribution with $just added 4/6/09 JCH
And PLEASE change the UOR "Required" status on "Referring Provider" (1st field in CHOICES layout for Demographics) to OPTIONAL so newbies can actually enter their first patient beyond the name.
I have a bunch of other suggestions, but until I understand how to get these included, or understand why they will not be, it isn’t worth the time to try.
Joe Holzer Idea Man